How Mom Can Relax

Stop being afraid! Maybe the maternal instinct constantly makes you worry, be more attentive and caring, but in fact you just need to relax a little. Believe me, the desire to relax does not make you a bad mother. Today we will share the secrets about how the child himself can help you to grow weak and what not to waste energy!

Your baby knows exactly what he needs

Believe me, even a newborn understands that heIt is required and can tell you about it. Children only seem helpless, but in fact they successfully enter into communication with the help of gestures, facial expressions, walking and screaming. The well-known psychologist and writer David Chamberlain analyzes and describes this phenomenon in his book The Brain of the Newborn. He says that before the child learns to speak, he will report on the needs: holding out his hands, he asks to take it, an expression of curiosity on the face shows interest, and screams - displeasure. Try to learn how to understand your child and it will become much easier for you, you will not have to guess painfully about his needs and perform excessive actions.

the kid knows what he needs

Do not make the child do what he is not yet capable of

Development - this is not a competition, the judges in whichthere are friends, relatives and doctors with their strict demands. Your daughter is not turning over yet? She's just not ready. Son did not master the pot, do not rush it! Remember that faster does not mean better. Of course, some need special help and support, but wait until you are asked to do so. Believe me, it's very easy to get depressed, trying to get ahead of the surrounding children and get the desired praise. Do not, too often go to the doctor. Talk to your pediatrician if your son or daughter does not smile to 2 months without turning in 6, not sitting in the 10 or may not have small pieces of food per year.

Do not force the child

Let the kid make mistakes

When a child begins to walk, it is inevitablefalls. Further success depends on your reaction: if you start screaming and try to prevent further falls, then forever place fear in a small soul. Support, comfort, but help move on, and you will be calmer, and the child will believe in your own strength.

Let the kid make mistakes

Tell the child what's going on

Imagine that you go to the doctor for a checkup, and henothing says a diagnosis. To feel comfortable, we need to know what's going on. When you explain your child's actions, the level of his anxiety decreases. Speech also develops in the process of communication, and much faster than when we force to memorize words.

Give yourself time to find out your child

Despite the fact that you were carrying your baby 9months, he still remains a small stranger. This is normal when you have questions when you do not know the reason for this or that behavior. Try to understand what he wants, in time you will learn to do it.

Tell the child what's going on

Leave time for yourself

Without a doubt, taking care of crumbs takes you 24 hours7 days a week. Sometimes, when you ask someone to sit with the baby, you get a sense of guilt for spending time outside the home. Very dangerous position! If 100% of the time you devote to raising a child, you will soon feel emotionally devastated, there will be accumulation of resentment and dissatisfaction. As a result, you spit out irritation on the baby and the husband. Enter into an agreement with yourself: from now on, there is no more maternal guilt. Time spent with benefit for yourself will restore your mental and physical strength, you can better understand the needs of your baby. Want to become a more relaxed and inspired mother - leave the house.

Leave time for yourself

Remember that motherhood is not hard labor, not serving timeterm in anticipation of the moment when the child grows up. You should enjoy and remember every moment of childhood. The happier and calmer you are, the better your baby will be.

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