Go-carts: Pros and Cons
Many parents consider the walker to be an excellent assistant for teaching the baby self-walking. Is it really?

Walkers help the child learn the walking skill. But walking in walkers and walking alone -these are two completely different things! When moving in a walker, the child tries to push off only with the toes, which does not at all help the correct setting of the foot for normal walking. At independent walking the child learns to keep balance, and being in a walker, he does not feel in this need - it is kept by the front panel of walkers.

Go-carts train the muscles of the child's legs. In fact, the load experienced by the legsthe child when moving in the walker, much less than the natural load of squats and crawling baby. When a child crouches and raises many times a day, crawls, then his legs "work" better!

Walkers prevent injuries from falling baby. Of course, any parent would be happy to protectHis child from all possible falls and bruises. But the experience of falls is extremely important for the child. He must learn to group himself in the fall, protect the vital parts of the body (for example, the head). In the end, the child himself must realize how not to act so as not to fall. In a walker, the baby is deprived of this opportunity. Besides, being in a walker, the child does not realize the danger of collision with surrounding objects - it is protected by walkers. Later the baby will need more time to get his "internal limiter".

Walkers do not allow the child to reach dangerous objects. Secure the child from objects that are not intended for his age, and can be in other ways, and in the baby's walker, the ability of natural cognition is limited.

When using a walker is not permanent, but only occasionally, if necessary, you can get from them significant benefits:

  • walkers frees mom's hands for household chores;

  • walkers allow the child to see new objects that were previously inaccessible to his sight;

  • Walkers allow the child to stand, turn around, look back, ie. carry out those movements that he could not do before, it helps to strengthen the muscles.

Go-carts: Pros and Cons
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