Finger Games for Kids

Finger games not only stimulate the development of the child, but also promote emotional bonding between the child and the parents. After all, to play with the kid in finger games, you do not need to allocate any special time. You can always play on the road, on vacation, at home, at a party. And those positive emotions that finger games give to mom and baby help them feel even closer and more familiar.
When to start playing with the child in fingergames? The first exercises with baby's fingers can begin already from the first months of life. For the development of motor skills, for example, specialists of the Institute. G.I. Turner, offer perform such exercises:

- light, cautious movements to sip the fingers of the baby as if pulling them;
- With each finger individually, make circular movements first clockwise, and then - against;
- up to three months to use small "shaggy" balls (3-4 cm in diameter) for massage of hands: when falling asleep, the child squeezes the balls and his hands keep the correct shape;
- for massage of pens in 4-5 months to use larger balls: to clamp a ball between palms of the child and to turn;
- take turns to raise the baby's hands and smoothly move them along the head back and forth - "combing" (in 5-6 months);
- knead fingers for 2-3 minutes, diligently massaging each finger.
For children 2-3 years suitable, for example, such finger games:
"Fingers say hello." The tip of the thumb of the right hand alternately touches the tips of the index, middle, nameless and little finger.
The Little Man. The index and middle fingers of the right hand "run" around the table.
"Roots of trees". The roots of the trees are woven, the spread fingers are lowered.
"Baby elephant". The middle finger is set forward (the trunk), and the index finger and the unnamed one are the legs. The elephant "walks" on the table.
"Spider". The index finger of the left hand closes with a largeright, the index finger of the right - with a large left. The lower pair of fingers opens, then closes above the top. Then the same movements paired with large alternately make the rest of the fingers.
Motorcycle. The hands are locked into the lock, the thumbs swirl around each other, faster and faster, without touching the palm of one's hand.
"Pereyazhechki." Two players are engaged by three or two fingers; everyone is trying to pull the opponent.
To finger games to benefit the kid and the joy of the mother, you need observe certain rules:
- Never force a baby.
- Do not put before the child a few difficult tasks at once.
- Gradually replace the exercises with new ones, at the same time you should not use more than 2-3 games. The most liked games can be repeated.
- Before the beginning of the exercises, you should warm up the palms of your baby with a slight stroking to a pleasant sensation of warmth.
Experts recommend performing exercises from 3up to 5 times, each session lasts several minutes and repeats during the day 2-3 times. But this is individual, the main thing is that it is interesting to the child and not a burden to the mother.