How to turn off sleep mode in Windows 7

Sleep mode is a low modepower consumption, allowing you to quickly restore the normal operation of the computer. But not everyone uses this mode, so the Country of Soviets will tell you how to turn off sleep mode in Windows 7.

In general, in the operating system Windows 7 is availablethree options for sleep mode. In the actual sleep mode, open documents and parameters are stored in the computer's memory before going into the low power mode and restored from there when switching to the normal mode of power consumption. This is similar to pressing the "Pause" button while watching a movie.

In Hibernate mode, documents and settingsstored on the hard disk, then the computer turns off. This mode is often used in laptops, because to maintain it requires the least amount of energy, this saves battery power.

In desktops with Windows 7, the default is usuallythe so-called hybrid sleep mode is included. Open documents and programs in this case are stored in memory and on the hard disk, and the computer is transferred to the mode of reduced energy consumption. With unexpected power failures, the data is restored from the hard disk.

How to turn off sleep mode in Windows 7
How to remove the standby mode on Windows 7

If you are not using sleep mode orHibernation, you may need to turn off sleep mode. To disable sleep mode in Windows 7, you need to go to the power settings in the Control Panel (Start - Control Panel - Power Options). Note that you can change the settings only if your user account has administrator rights.

So, in the opened window of the plan settingspower supply, find the plan that is currently active, and click on the Power Plan Setup link. In the Transfer computer to hibernate mode, select Never from the drop-down list. Then click the Save Changes button.

You can optionally disable the hybrid hibernatemode and hibernation. To do this, click on the Additional Power Options link and in the window that opens, click on the plus sign next to Sleep. In the Allow hybrid hibernation option, select Off from the drop-down list.

To turn off automatic modehibernation in the Hibernation point after you need to set the value of Never (for this click on the Value line and in the Status field (min.) enter the value 0). Then click the Apply button and the OK button. Similarly, you can turn off sleep mode in Sleep after.

hybrid hibernation and hibernation

Note that if you have a laptop, you will need toseparately disable sleep and hibernate mode for battery and network operation. In this case, in the Sleep after and Hibernation points there will be two parameters - From the battery and From the network.

But it's not enough just to disable sleep and modehibernations in the power settings. The matter is that for normal functioning of a mode of hibernation on a system hard disk the file hiberfil.sys is created. It is in it that the contents of RAM are recorded when entering hibernation mode or hybrid sleep mode. Its size is equal to the size of the RAM installed on your computer (and in fact the amount of RAM on modern machines is estimated by gigabytes).

After you turn off sleep mode, this file does notis deleted. You can remove it manually and free up several gigabytes on your hard drive (if necessary, this file is easy to recover). But, again, you must have administrator rights to delete. Click Start, and then click Run (or use the Win + R shortcut). In the window that opens, enter the command powercfg -h -off (or powercfg -hibernate -off). Click OK (or Enter), and then restart the computer for the changes to take effect.

How to turn off sleep mode in Windows 7

If you need to re-enable hibernate and restore the hiberfil.sys file, use the command powercfg -h -on (or powercfg -hibernate -on).

We hope that now the disabling of sleep mode in Windows 7 is not the slightest effort!

How to disable sleep mode in Windows 7?

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