Cleaning the Windows Registry

First, let's figure it out, what is the system registryhow it functions, and why from time to timeyou need to clean the Windows registry. The registry stores information and settings for hardware (hardware) and software (software), user profiles, presets. In the registry, virtually all changes are made to the system.
The more settings you change, the more programs you install and uninstall (especially for trial versions of the software), the more the volume of the registry becomes. And some of the registry entries that appear in theThe result of using the system "in the tail and in the mane" is unnecessary, wrong. As a result, the system begins to "brake". In this case, you need to clean up the Windows registry.
How is the Windows registry cleaned? There are two options - cleaning the system registry manually or using special programs (utilities). For manual registry cleaning Use the built-in utility-editor of the system registry - regedit. At once we will make a reservation that manual cleaning is not the best option. Why is that?
First, you need to very good understanding of the system and know exactly what to remove. If you accidentally or unknowingly delete the wrong key, the system may stop working, and you will need to restore or even completely reinstall Windows.
Secondly, when deleting keys manually, they only are marked as deleted, but they are not permanently deleted. It's like deleting a file in the trash - you seem to have deleted it, but it still takes up space on the disk. So the registry does not become smaller anyway.
If you need a secure cleaning of the Windows registry, it's best to use special utilities. They help to remove unnecessary anderroneous records in automatic mode, clear it of "garbage" and reduce its volume. But to choose a program to clean the registry must be treated responsibly.
The fact is that the "assortment" of such programswide enough: here you and paid programs, and free, and unpretentious programs with a minimum of settings, and "monsters", in which at first glance it is difficult to understand. If one chooses from all this variety at random, by "poking" method, one can stumble upon fraudulent programs, which do not actually clean the registry, but spread the viruses.
So that you do not have to choose a cat in a bag, we will tell you about several free programs for cleaning the registry. We remind you that it's best to download such programs from official websites in order to be sure that you download the installation file of the program.
CCleaner - one of the most popular cleaning programsregistry and not only. Cleaning the Windows registry is just one of the functions of this utility. CCleaner can also be used to clear temporary files of browsers, manage system restore points and autorun programs, uninstall programs and optimize the system. This program is considered quite effective and most reviews about it are positive.
Red Button
Red Button - Another free program for cleaningsystem registry. It is quite easy to use. The main functions of the program are cleaning the disk of unnecessary files, cleaning the Windows registry, removing the built-in components of Windows OS, adjusting the speed of the system. But the program does not allow creating backup copies in case of failures.
The advantage of this program is that it does not require installation - you just download the file and run it. Regseeker allows you to quickly scan the registryon the presence of erroneous records and delete them automatically or manually. Each found record is accompanied by comments, from which you can understand why a particular registry key should be deleted.
But remember that cleaning the Windows registry is not a panacea. Do not expect that after it your computer will immediately begin to "fly." And to abuse it, too, is not necessary - too frequent manipulations with the registry system for the benefit will not go.