How to learn to type quickly?
Modern computer users are no longerit is necessary to type the text, painfully searching for the necessary letters on the keyboard, because the development of typing speed on the keyboard is largely facilitated by various chat rooms, ICQ, etc.

However, before those who are just starting to mastercomputer, and also to those who are dissatisfied with their speed of dialing, sooner or later the question arises: can you learn how to type quickly? Certainly! Fortunately, modern computer software manufacturers offer users convenient and inexpensive applications - keyboard simulators.

For quick dialing on a standard keyboard is best suited blind ten-finger method. This method allows you to use in the settext all fingers simultaneously, which greatly increases the speed of dialing. At the same time, finger movements on the keys are brought to automaticity, so the need to constantly look at the keyboard disappears.

In the ten-finger method of dialing the fingers(index, middle, ring, pinky) of both hands "by default" are located on the middle line of the alphabetic part of the keyboard "FYAVALJ" ("ASDFJKL"). The thumbs are on the space key.

How to learn to type quickly?

If necessary, type a character from the bottom orupper row, each finger is shifted to the corresponding key from its vertical row. Some fingers also press several adjacent keys from the horizontal row. After pressing, the fingers return to their original position - "pyvalange".

Now that the basic principles of the blind are clearten-finger method of dialing, you can begin to train your skills on keyboard simulators. There are many different versions of these software products, they can differ in options and design, however the basic principle of their work is the following.

First, the student learns the individual letters. For example, the first exercise can be a set of different combinations of the letter "a" and spaces: a and a; aa aa aa; aaa aaa aaa, etc. Gradually, with the study of each successive letter, the exercises become more complicated, the combinations can be of the form "ao ao ao" or, for example, "va l la lion".

When all the letters of the middle row are studied, inexercises are added letters from the upper row, and then from the lower. To study special characters and numbers in most programs, as a rule, separate lessons are provided.

Closer to the end of the training exercises are allmore and more complex. The student needs to type whole phrases, sentences, using punctuation marks, numbers. And for those who have already mastered the ten-finger method, programs offer practice on texts of different (in terms of set) complexity.

So, what are the keyboard simulators?

Probably the most famous on the domestic spaces is the simulator "Solo on the keyboard". The author of this program, V.V. Shahidzhanyan, offers users 100 lessons. This software product is distributed as a conditionally free one - after 40 exercises it is necessary to buy a licensed copy of the program for continuing education.

The program is executed in a cheerful, jocular manner,is provided with detailed statistics of lessons. The transition to each of the following exercises is possible only after the successful completion of the previous one. The studied layout is Russian.

How to learn to type quickly?

"Stamina" - it's free, long known to users,keyboard simulator. Can work both in the mode of teaching lessons, and in the practice mode for those who have already mastered the ten-finger method. The program input field is divided into two parts. The user is encouraged to type certain phrases. Each correctly typed letter goes from one area of ​​the field to another.

Stamina is also provided with statistics. The user can look at his average speed during the exercise, find out the percentage of errors when typing, thanks to the graphs, compare the results of different lessons. The studied layouts are Russian and English. On the developer's site, you can optionally download phrases for other languages: French, Spanish, German, etc.

How to learn to type quickly?

"BabyType" - the principle of this program is slightly different fromprevious. Before the user has a task: to have time to type the necessary symbols before they are "eaten" by a monster. In the program you can use 6 different languages, for which you can select the necessary keyboard layout. The game character of this program allows you to train users of different ages.

How to learn to type quickly?
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