Menu for weight loss
For those who are only going to lose weight or have alreadyunsuccessful attempts to independently reduce weight, often it seems that it's all about the products. Some are harmful, others are useful. Some contribute to weight loss, others, on the contrary, provoke its recruitment. If you choose the right products and create a menu only from useful products, then the weight will start to go away by itself. But is it really so?
Our body is so arranged that it benefits everyone - andfats, and proteins, and carbohydrates. Moreover, he does not even care what kind of products he receives from them, just to be able to digest. And if you listen to the harmful advice that comes down to the primitive phrase "it is enough to exclude only 2 products to ....", Then you can lose time in the hope of a miracle. But a miracle will not happen. We noticed that these malignant products change all the time, then some should be excluded from the diet, then others. At the same time, the population in our country is getting slimmer and slimmer.
So back to the products that need or do notshould be included in the diet, if you want to lose weight. Each of us has his own taste habits, which were formed over the years. There are food traditions that were formed by whole generations. Any, absolutely any diet in the first place recommends breaking these habits and traditions, while also limiting the food to a minimum. Anyone in this situation will experience severe discomfort. It is not surprising that he will only dream that this torture will end sooner with a tasteless food that is alien to his taste preferences. No one will ever come to adhere to such a diet all his life. But this is exactly what nutritionists recommend - a rational hypocaloric or normocaloric, at worst, nutrition until the end of life. But who will agree to live in stress?
That is why any diet, no matter how fashionable andit was not advertised, is doomed to be a test and only a temporary measure. And like any temporary measure, it will always have only a temporary effect. The diet will end, and weight loss will end, and weight gain will begin again.
So what should be the menu for losing weight,which could be held for as long as you like and do not feel uncomfortable at the same time? As it does not sound strange, but it should be just like it always is. That is, eat what you usually eat. The question is in the other, how many there are. Studies have shown that no diet has advantages over others in terms of effectiveness. And it does not matter what it is more or less - proteins, fats or carbohydrates. The only important thing is the amount of calories coming with food. If they are more than the body requires, the surplus will be put aside in the fat depot. If calories are less than required, the body will have to expend its fat reserves, otherwise it will not survive.
If you agree with this postulate, let's move on tothe next question. How much less need to eat calories to lose weight? It is optimally considered that the difference between consumption and consumption should be 500 - 600 calories per day. In other words, if your body needs 2000 kcal, then the food should be limited to 1400 - 1500 calories per day. But you should immediately warn that with this difference the process will be comfortable enough, but not very fast, about 2 kg per month. If you want to speed up the process, you can either reduce your intake, or increase your calorie consumption. It is obvious that the expenditure increases due to physical activity.
Speaking about the comfort of such weight loss, it should bemake a small correction. Comfortable it will be only for those that the consumption of calories was close to the norm or slightly exceeded it. If you are accustomed to eating abundantly and preferring fatty foods, then the daily calorie can significantly exceed the recommended values. For example, with a recommendation of 2000 kcal per day, your intake is 3,500 kcal, and you should eat no more than 1500 kcal. The difference is colossal. Will such food be comfortable? Of course not. Here it is necessary not only to reduce servings, but also to revise the diet, excluding from it all the hotly loved sweets, smoked sausages, fat cheeses and other delicacies.
If after such a cardinal revisionthere is no tangible weight loss, it will be necessary to add medications at the initial stage to reduce weight. It should immediately be stipulated that they are not a substitute for rational hypocaloric nutrition, but only help to reduce weight more efficiently and quickly.
All drugs for weight loss (we are not talking aboutBAD, only medicines are considered) are divided into two groups - drugs that block the absorption of fats in the intestines, and drugs that affect the appetite. Preparations that block fat absorption, such as Listata Mini, contain the active substance orlistat. Orlistat acts only in the lumen of the intestine and prevents the absorption of about 25-30% of fat coming from food. If you easily control the appetite, but love high-calorie foods, then such a remedy for you. If you are hard to stay in small portions, then drugs to reduce your appetite, such as Goldline Plus, may be the optimal solution. The composition of these drugs includes the active substance sibutramine, which acts on the saturation center. The feeling of saturation is prolonged, the feeling of hunger is dulled, and the person begins to eat less. Studies have shown that against the background of the reception of such funds, the calorie content of food on average decreases by 25%, and the amount of food eaten by 20%. Another pleasant moment when using such drugs is that after the cessation of their reception the effect is partially retained for 2 years. But, in any case, what means to give preference to you.