How to eat properly to lose weight?
Every woman wants to look slim andbeautiful. Therefore, many weary themselves with strict diets, thus trying to keep themselves in shape. After the termination of a diet and achievement of a desirable result all again start to eat the favorite products. Again, the weight dropped is returned. But no one thinks that it is not necessary to sit on diets. After all, we simply do not know, how to eat properly to lose weight.
Every day we have to remake so many things that even it's impossible to take a minute to eat. Upon arrival, we eat such a hugea portion of food, that the heaviness in the stomach is felt for a long time. And now adhering to such a diet, many people notice that they are beginning to gain weight steadily. Why does this happen, because the amount of calories used is within the daily allowance? And again I have to go on a diet to regain the harmony of the figure.
It turns out, Do not necessarily exhaust yourself with various diets. To begin with, you should radically change your diet and learn how to eat properly to lose weight. Everything is much easier than it may seem!
The correct diet is a guarantee of good health and a beautiful figure. Of course, everyone understands this. But not everyone knows what foods should be excluded in order to lose weight. But after all, the key to success lies not only in this. You should also adhere to the correct diet.
What you need to eat to lose weight
Problems with excess weight appear on several prichnam. But most often this is facilitated by abnormal metabolism. Everyone has heard about this process of our body, but not many imagine why it is needed and how it works.
Metabolism is the process of obtaining energy method of cleavage of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. But at the same time it is a complex synthesis that occurs in every cell of the body. The slowing of metabolism (ie, the rate at which the body will burn calories) occurs only after 25 years. But this can be avoided by constantly doing sports. Slowing metabolism occurs not only because of age, but also because of malnutrition. After all, we do not always know how to eat properly, that's why we have problems with excess weight.
To start with in the diet include proteins, which contribute to weight loss. Such proteins are found in low-fat meat, dairy products and seafood. Include in your diet mussels, shrimp, squid and oysters. Do not give up sour-milk products, because they contain bacteria that improve digestion. You just need to monitor the fat content of dairy products. It is best to use low-fat varieties of cottage cheese (5%) and dairy products with a fat content of 1.5%.
Do not try to completely eliminate from your diet fats. Since fatty acids slow down the processesmetabolism, and we are trying to speed it up. Therefore 1-2 table spoons of vegetable fats must be present in your daily diet.
Eliminate as far as possible from the diet simple carbohydrates: cookies, cakes, sweets. But complex carbohydrates should be introduced into the daily diet. This includes various cereals and pasta from durum wheat. It is complex carbohydrates that give us the most energy.
Discard semi-finished products. They contain not only a large numbercalories, but also products that promote weight gain. You should also give up fried foods. And exclude from the diet various sauces and mayonnaise. They contain a lot of preservatives and harmful fats.
How to Eat to Lose Weight
Of course, excluding from the diet all the unpleasant products, We have not yet solved the problem of excess weight. After all, we still do not know how to eat right,to lose weight. To begin with, do not forget that you should eat often, but in small portions. Best of 5-6 times a day. Never skip breakfast, because morning meals give us the most energy.
In the morning, eat foods that contain complex carbohydrates. Then the body will have time to split them for a day. During the day, drink as much liquid as possible. Supper should consist of light food, which is quickly digested (sour-milk products, boiled fish or poultry, boiled vegetables). And try not to starve, because any abstinence from food the body takes as a signal to actively store fat tissue.