First aid with bruises
Often happens that in transport, tradecenter or just in the park a person accidentally falls down or tucks his leg. Having received a bruise, not everyone rushes to go to the hospital, especially if the skin is not damaged. However, to establish the degree of injury is very important. This will avoid the development of consequences in the future.
A bruise is accompanied by damage and even a rupturevessels, which leads to internal bleeding. If you feel sharp painful sensations, and bruises and swelling appear on the place of impact, then this is the main symptoms. There are four degrees of bruising:
the first. It is caused by the appearance of small injuries (abrasions, scratches). It passes independently after 3-4 days and is not accompanied by pain;
the second. Characterized by muscle rupture, development of hematoma and swelling. The patient feels severe pain and general deterioration of well-being;
the third. This degree develops due to a strong impact and is accompanied by a rupture of the muscle tissue and tendon. Even a dislocation is possible. Such a trauma is extremely dangerous for the head, coccyx, knees and joints;
the fourth. This is the heaviest of all, which carries the greatest danger to man. The injured part of the body can no longer function in the future and can not be treated.
Therapy is carried out on the basis of severityinjury. In case of getting a bruise, you should contact a traumatologist as soon as possible. In order not to harm yourself or anyone else, you need to know everything about first aid. You can not just prevent deterioration, but on the contrary - improve it.
First aid with bruises
Not everyone at school had an item on whichtold about the provision of various types of medical care. Now you have the opportunity to remember the basic rules. We will study common types of injuries that can be experienced by both children and adults.
Bruises of hands, feet, fingers. It is necessary to immediately apply something cold to the damaged place. It can be ice, compress, frozen meat in the freezer, etc. Cold helps to narrow the blood vessels, which eliminates the appearance of bruises. In addition, this method reduces pain. After a while, you should remove the ice and tightly bandage the injured area. It is important that the patient keeps the bruised part of the body in a slightly elevated position in order to avoid problems with blood circulation.
Injuries to the face or any part of the trunk. In this case, cold compresses are also useful. It is necessary to monitor their temperature and replace them as they warm up. After 24 hours, the compress should be removed and instead of cold exposure, it should be warm (warmed up). This will promote resorption of hematomas. It is best to call a doctor right away, as with internal bruises the internal organs can be damaged.
Bruising joints. Injuries to the joints, including the knee, should be treated primarily with ice. If the bruise does not require medical intervention, then decoctions from arnica and chamomile flowers will quickly eliminate the pain and swelling. Camphor oil rubbing and onion-garlic compresses are also very effective.
Well help to speed up the process of recovering funds from bruises, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. The most popular are: Troxevasin, Dolobene-gel, Indovazin, Dr. Taiss's ointment.
If you notice that outwardly from injurythere are no traces, and the pain still prevails, you need to connect to the treatment of physiological procedures. Electrophoresis or magnetotherapy help to fight not only with uncomfortable sensations, but also prevent the development of various diseases.