Effective exercises for rapid weight loss
Every girl and woman wants to have beautifultaut legs. But, despite the fact that leg exercises there is an insane amount, and with sufficient zeal to pump them is not difficult, the problem of slimming legs for many remains relevant. The whole difficulty is that many exercises are aimed at inflating muscles, and this does not help to reduce the volume, and often - even on the contrary. Therefore, if you want and need to burn excess fat or reduce the massive muscles you need to use a special approach that will successfully fight with extra centimeters.
General recommendations for weight loss
Everyone knows that the best weight losspromote vigorous mobile activities, so for slimming your legs it is better to choose cardio workouts and focus on them. It is desirable, that weight training made less than half of employment (or even all third), and all exercises in them should be calculated on natural weight of a body, without additional shells. Also, you should pay more attention to natural loads on your legs - jogging, long walks, walking on stairs, dancing. The complex of exercises should be selected individually. In this case, you need to take into account not only the intensity of training, but also working out the most problematic areas specifically for you and overall well-being during the session. In addition, it is very important not to neglect stretching before and after classes. It is on how elastic and stretched the muscles depend on their shape and compliance training.
Jumping for weight loss
Classic dynamic aerobic jumps and jumpsrope is very effective for burning fat in general, and especially for slimming legs. Exercises for such training can easily come up yourself, showing a fantasy. For example, jumping rope can be on close legs, on each leg in turn and crossing arms. You can perform all four types of 100 jumps, varying the load. Jumping without rope can be combined into a mobile dance and trained to your favorite music, pre-preparing a playlist of the necessary duration. The duration of such training should be at least 20 minutes per day.
Effective complex of exercises on a step-platform for slimming legs
Step-platform helps to make trainingintensively and more deeply work out the muscles, which contributes to the effective slimming of the legs. It is possible to repeat at home the bundles from the sessions with the coach or video lessons or combine in any way the classical step-exercises - raising the knee, sweeping, marching on the step, swinging to the side. For additional work of muscles, you can repeat one exercise several times on each leg. Example of training: right foot on the step, raise the left knee to the angle of 90 15 times, then perform gentle flops aside until the parallel with the floor also 15 times, and after that 15 more repetitions of the overlap with the left foot (heel to the buttock), putting the toe on floor. Then, without stopping, we do 20 simple steps on the step and repeat the whole complex for the right foot.
Squats and lunges
Depending on the setting of the feet, duringsit-ups can focus on different muscle groups. Try to put the legs more widely or closer and put the socks to the sides, reducing the heels, and select the position in which the most problematic area is maximally worked through. When performing attacks, the socks should always stand upright, otherwise the joints may be damaged, but you can complicate the exercise by taking the hind leg forward or lifting the anterior one at the time the hindleg is on the knee. In training, it is better to combine squats and attacks, dividing them into approaches, in each of which the number of repetitions should be as high as possible. We hope that our article will help you to choose the best and most simple exercises that will allow you to quickly achieve weight loss legs.