reviews about effective diet for weight loss

To date, there are variousdiet based on the consumption of soups. All of them are very effective at the expense of healing substances from vegetables and low caloric content. We present a recipe for soup from celery, which is allowed to eat in almost unlimited quantities.

Beneficial features

Celery contains a variety of vitamins andminerals: A, E, K, B, nicotinic acid, essential oils and amino acids. Has some diuretic and laxative effect, actively removes toxins and has a very low caloric value. In addition, it activates the work of the stomach, which favors the easy assimilation of food. Also, the plant has a beneficial effect on the kidneys, prevents the development of urolithiasis.

Energy value

The number of calories in this celery soupmany amazes. This is not surprising, because for 100 grams of dishes there are only 8! It turns out that the average serving of 300 grams will contain 24 kcal. Despite such a low energy value, it is very nutritious and tasty.

Celery food

For two weeks of compliance with this diet, youyou can easily lose from 5 to 7 kg. The more you have excess fat, the more active will be his loss. It should be taken into account that rather slender girls will not lose weight so much as full.

Having prepared the soup from celery by prescription, you are inyou will fully feel its beneficial effect. It activates the withdrawal of excess fluid from the body, normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, increases metabolism and cleanses the internal organs. In addition, the improvement of the nervous system and the reduction of blood sugar have been demonstrated.

reviews about effective diet for weight loss

Restrictions for the period of diet:

  • consumption of sugar and bread;

  • drinking alcohol;

  • consumption of fried and fatty foods.

The menu is designed for a week, and in the future it repeats in the same way. Include any options for additional products in this diet is strictly prohibited.

  1. Soup and various fruits (bananas are excluded).

  2. Soup and non-starchy vegetables.

  3. Soup and vegetables (besides potatoes).

  4. Soup and fruit without any restrictions.

  5. Soup and boiled beef with tomatoes.

  6. Soup, boiled beef and any vegetables.

  7. Soup, brown rice and cucumbers.

It is allowed to drink green tea without any additives.

Celery soup recipes

This amazing dish is prepared very quickly. You do not need to spend much time. You can cook in several ways, but we offer the most low-calorie recipes.

Recipe number 1. Celery soup

This soup will become a magic tool for weight loss!

Necessary ingredients:

  • little head of cabbage

  • six large bulbs

  • six tomatoes

  • green string beans - 400 g

  • celery root - 200 g

  • carrots - 600 g

  • Bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs

  • greenery

  • tomato juice - 1.5 liters.

Cooking method:

  • cut all the ingredients. It is convenient to use a food processor for this;

  • place the chopped vegetables in a saucepan and fill with tomato juice. If it was not enough to cover all the ingredients, add a little water;

  • bring to a boil and keep on low heat for 10-20 minutes.

Remove the pan after the vegetables have become soft.

reviews about effective diet for weight loss

Recipe number 2. Celery soup

This recipe is not too different from the previous one, but still the taste varies slightly. You can alternate both ways of cooking for a change.

Necessary ingredients:

  • water - 3 l

  • six bulbs

  • half a head of cabbage

  • greens of celery - a bunch, and if stems, then 2 pieces

  • two tomatoes

  • Bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs

  • spice.

Cooking method:

  • cut the vegetables and pour water;

  • bring the broth to a boil and cook for 20-30 minutes;

  • add spices.

Lose weight with pleasure!

reviews about effective diet for weight loss

Celery for weight loss by the set of reviewsis really effective. It is added not only to soups, but also to other dietary dishes. Using this plant is a great way to lose weight without harm to health. Even celebrities use a soup recipe in order to quickly reduce weight. And how much have you already managed to lose: 5, 10 or maybe 15 kg? Share your experience of losing weight and the secrets of harmony.

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