Yoga for the spine: exercises for the treatment of the backYou sometimes notice that after a long day,spent at work in the office, you start to ache terribly back. With the same problem can also encounter people who have to stand for a long time at the machine at the factory. Loads on the spine make themselves felt very quickly, and as a result, various diseases of the back develop. We suggest you take care of your health. This will help you yoga for the spine.

With severe pain in the back you do not want to walk or stand or sit. Over a person, only the desire to lie on the sofa and relax. But in fact a simple holiday can not help anyone to the full. After all, tomorrow everyone is waiting for an equally tiring day. Therefore, we offer you every day to perform certain exercises that will help you to restore normal functions of the spine. You are guaranteed to forget what back pain is. But this is only if you do not get lazy and continue yoga every day. What is yoga for the back?

Asanas for yoga are designed so that the maximum amount of muscle is trained in the body. All of them are toned and regularly performedtheir functions. Pain in the back can arise precisely because of the unpreparedness of the muscles to a certain load or their constant stay in the same position. Try to warm up, because movement is life.

You can choose any yoga posture that you can easily accomplish. It should also be noted that some asanascategorically it is forbidden to do if there are problems with arterial pressure. So, let's describe in some detail, from what asanas a daily yoga for the spine can consist.

Exercises for the spine: yoga

Pose of the mountain Great for all people who want toto correct posture. Stand up smoothly, the heels and toes should also touch each other. Stretch your whole body up, thus straining all the muscles of your legs. Align your back. Put your hands down, extend your fingers so that your hands are fully opened. This asana is very important in yoga for the spine.

We did not in vain describe the pose of the mountain. After all, yoga for the spine begins with this asana. Stand in the pose of the mountain. From this position, one should begin to carry out pose of an elongated triangle. On exhalation, spread your legs wide apartabout a meter. Hands stretch out to the sides so that they are flush with the shoulders. At 90 °, turn your right foot to the right. To not pull the muscles too much, turn your left foot slightly inwards. Tighten the muscles of the knees and hips. On exhalation, tilt to the right and wrap your fingers around your right ankle. The left hand should be in a position perpendicular to the floor. When you are in this position, raise your head and look at the thumb of your left hand. Hold in this position for 20-30 seconds. Carrying out movements in the reverse order, return to the pose of the mountain. Repeat the same exercise for the left foot. During the exercise, make sure that the muscles of the thighs are tense, and that the knees are not bent. This asanu can easily be diversified, creating an additional burden on the spine. Instead of grasping the ankle with your hand, you can rest your palm on the floor. With this exercise, it is important to ensure that the trunk does not bend in the waist with an arc. Also, you can not completely transfer the weight of the body to the supporting arm.

Crescent posture should be performed after the two above described asanas,yoga for the spine had the best effect. Stand straight, the feet should stand parallel to each other. On exhalation bend to the right and place the right palm at a distance of 15-20 cm from the foot. Do not rely on the entire palm of your hand, just your fingers. Raise the left leg, straighten it and turn the pelvis to the left. To facilitate the execution of this movement, keep your left hand on the floor. In this position, wait 10 seconds, then pull your left arm forward. The palm should be deployed to the floor. Position the body completely in one plane to find three support points: one on the heel, two in the front of the foot. Hold in this position for 20-30 seconds, then go back. Do the same exercise for the left side.

Doing these asanas regularly, you can well strengthen your back. In order to give the spine flexibility, you can recommend you to become cat pose. You could already perform this exercise earlier: standing on all fours, alternately bend and arch your back. Your spine will become flexible and mobile.

Those who suffer from low back pain can be recommended to perform snake pose. Such yoga for the spine will help youforever forget about this problem. To perform this asana you need to lie on the floor on your stomach. Pull your legs out, the feet should be together. On exhalation, press your hands to the floor and lift your torso up. Stay in this position for 20-30 seconds. On exhalation, go back to the prone position. This asanu can be diversified: when you have already raised your torso, inhale, raise your hands up, keeping them parallel to the floor. Bend your hands slightly in the elbows. The entire weight of the body is transferred to the pelvis. Hold your breath for 15-20 seconds. On exhalation, go back. Important! This version of the exercise can not be performed by people suffering from high blood pressure.

Yoga for the spine: exercises for the treatment of the back
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