Luteal neuritis

Luteal neuritis Is a very common disease among people,who like to put their elbows on a hard surface. Most often this requires sedentary work, for example, in the office. But most strongly subject to ulnar neuritis people who work in this position in damp premises. What is ulnar neuritis and how to deal with it?

Sometimes we feel easy numbness of the arm muscles from the elbow to the phalanges of the fingers. After a while it passes, but it happens thatnumbness turns into cramps. These are the first symptoms of ulnar neuritis. In this disease, the entire hand suffers, especially the fingers. Between the little finger and the ring finger, there is the greatest tension and, in the end, numbness.

The worst thing that can cause ulnar neuritis, is atrophy of the muscles of the hand. In this case, only small muscles suffer, butthe brush's performance decreases. Appears aching pain, which is exhausted and annoying. The brush is so weak that it is difficult to squeeze the hand into a fist. It is necessary to consult a doctor so that he correctly diagnoses the disease. Luteal neuritis is easily confused with the usual stretching, but it should be taken into account that stretching also does not arise from scratch. Any violation of muscle function leads to the fact that the ulnar neuritis begins to develop faster.

Keep in mind that from frequent sitting in the position of "elbows on the windowsill" squeezed fibrous arch and the muscles swell, which also causesdevelopment of ulnar neuritis. Thus, ulnar neuritis - this is a very tricky disease that occurs almost on level ground, which causes certain inconveniences.

How to avoid ulnar neuritis?

At first, Do not sit in one position, leaning on his elbows. By the way, putting elbows on the table is indecent. But if the job requires you to do exactly this, for example, work behind the machine, try not to rest on your elbows on a too hard surface. It is better to put a soft mat.

Secondly, in the break, stretch your arms for 5-7 minutes, so that they do not abruptly relax and rest gradually.

Thirdly, pay close attention to bruises. It is better to cure a bruise than to let it pass by yourself.

Luteal neuritis is treated with folk medicine. There are several ways to cure this disease at home:

3 days in a row must be applied to the sore spot cake of vinegar and red clay.

Very good help from the aching pain in the elbows decoction of the stems of raspberries. At 1 tbsp. a spoonful of stems needs 200 ml of boiling water. Take it 3 times a day, half an hour before a meal, 3 tbsp. spoons.

Practically heals ulnar neuritis bear's fat, which should be rubbed lightly into a sore spot.

The horseradish sheet warms up the diseased area well. It must be tied to the elbow and held for half an hour or two times a day. Naturally, the leaves should be replaced by fresh ones.

Luteal neuritis is dangerous only ifrun the disease. Then you can suffer with the constant fatigue of the hands and joint pain. But the timely help of a doctor or traditional medicine can remedy the situation. The main thing, remember that you need to protect your hands and in any case do not run joint disease, otherwise with the years it will bring huge discomfort.

Luteal neuritis
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