The use of figs
The fig tree, fig, wine berry, fig - it's allnames of the same fruit. Most often we use only one name - figs. It can be consumed in dried and fresh form, used in cooking and as a remedy. So what's the use of figs?
Everyone has heard about this fruit, but not everyone knows what it isuseful figs. For us, it is no longer an exotic fruit, but it is still not very popular among the population. For some it replaces sweets, and for others it is an excellent cough remedy. Many in general do not eat it, because they do not know about the benefits of figs.
Useful properties of figs
Figs are a storehouse of various nutrients. The use of figs in fresh form is simply invaluable. It contains proteins, fiber, pectic substances, organic acids, vitamins A, C, B1, B3, PP. Also, the figs are rich in sodium, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium and phosphorus. It is worth mentioning that the fruit contains a lot of glucose and fructose, and in small amounts and sucrose. Fresh figs are not very sweet. But when drying these fruits, the amount of moisture decreases, and the sweet taste becomes more distinct.
Dried figs perfectly satisfy hunger. Because of the high concentration of fructose and sucrose, they are replaced by sweets and biscuits. But do not be very fond of them, because dried figs are very caloric. 100 grams contain about 50 kcal. It is worth noting that fresh fruits are not as high in calories as dried ones. Therefore, 2-3 dry fetuses per day will be enough to replenish the daily supply of the organism in microelements.
The use of figs in the treatment of various diseasesis invaluable. These fruits have pronounced antipyretic properties. Milk and figs are especially often used. Tincture of fig fruits on milk is used for the treatment of colds and inflammatory processes of the respiratory tract. Also, such milk can gargle with angina.
Figs from cough can be given to small children. To prepare such a medicine, pour 5 fruits of fresh figs with a glass of hot milk. Then the soaked fruits must be grinded together with the milk. Warm milk with figs should be taken half a cup 2-4 times a day.
The use of figs is simply irreplaceable whenrestoration of the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Fruits of figs have an easy laxative effect, so they help to cope with constipation without the use of medication. Since the fig is very rich in potassium, it is very useful in diseases of the cardiovascular system: it contains the enzyme ficin, which lowers blood coagulability. Thus, figs promote the resorption of venous thrombi.
Figs during pregnancy are also very useful. Fruits rich in potassium, calcium and iron are simply necessary to maintain the health of the mother and child. Therefore, the use of figs in pregnancy is obvious. It is especially good if women have too fast weight gain. Using the figs you can adjust your diet and do not harm the child.
It should be noted that the treatment is not usedonly fruits, but also leaves of figs. Infusion of leaves on the water is an excellent remedy for fighting vitiligo (a violation of pigmentation, expressed by the disappearance of melanin in certain areas of the skin) and nest of baldness (abnormal hair loss in certain areas of the head or body).
Figs contraindications
Like any other product, the fig has a numbercontraindications to use. Dried figs should not be consumed in large quantities for people suffering from diabetes. When evaporation of excess moisture from fruit, the concentration of fructose and glucose reaches 40%. Therefore, it is better to use only fresh figs in food.
Because of the large amount of oxalic acid,which is contained in fresh figs, it is worth to refuse to people suffering from gout. Also, it should not be used for inflammatory diseases of the digestive system, violation of salt metabolism and propensity to stone formation.
As you can see, the use of figs is simply invaluable. Figs have almost no side effect on the body, so you can safely give it to children in the treatment of various colds.