The benefits and harm of dates, caloric value
Most of the inhabitants of our country perceive dates as an ordinary delicacy and believe that they can be completely dispensed with in everyday life.
But in the countries where they grow, they are much more concerned. Moreover, sometimes dates and do form the basis of the nutrition of a family.
The use and harm of dates
Of course, there are more benefits in the dates. In the countries of the East and West, this fruit has long been considered a product that promotes self-purification and significant improvement of the human body. It is very useful to use dates in combination with yoghurt and milk. This combination removes cholesterol from the body, relieves stress, improves sleep.
Very useful dates in the period of fasting, in addition,according to fans of this fruit, he almost never gets bored. Those who care about their heart and want to maintain their heart muscle in a tone, normalize the pressure and work of the circulatory system, it is also recommended to use as many dates as possible.
These useful fruits contain fluoride,It prevents the formation of caries, and selenium, which strengthens the immune system. Fructose and glucose, which are also in the dates, contribute to improving brain activity and rapid release of stress. In addition, the dates perfectly affect the potency of men, and also purify their blood.
Among the useful components of these fruitspotassium is in large quantities necessary for the health of the nervous system, and the high iron content in them can prevent anemia. The use of dates helps to improve eyesight, relieve constipation, increase the body's sexual stamina.
Negatively, such a delicacy can affect,perhaps, only on patients with diabetes mellitus. Dates are the sweetest of all fruits, 66% are diazaccharides, but the human body perfectly absorbs them.
In view of the fact that they contain coarse fibers, one should refuse or partially reduce the consumption of these fruits to those who have problems with the intestines and stomach.
Benefits and harm dates in pregnancy
Pregnant and lactating women delicious fruitTree figs are simply necessary. Special fibers contained in them, strengthen the muscles, and the mother's milk becomes more saturated and nutritious. But do not get involved, almost everything you need - it's three dates, no more.
Modern scientists have found that these fruitscontain special substances that strengthen the muscles of the uterus, which in turn facilitates childbirth. The uterus shrinks better, postpartum bleeding ends much faster.
In addition, the scientists found in the datesOxytocin, which positively influences generic activity. The substances contained in these fruits can contribute to the prevention of depression, which is a frequent companion of women during pregnancy and feeding.
Dummies for weight loss, calorie content
In one fruit, on average, contains 23 calories. But even with such a high caloric content during a diet, it is better to eat a few dates, rather than sweets or a cake. It's good to use them instead of sweets, especially for those who want to get rid of extra pounds or just keep themselves in shape.
The date diet is very simple: during it should only eat dates and nothing else (of course, with the exception of liquid). Its duration is not more than a few days. Include dates in your diet without fear, do not think about their calories.
Remember - this tasty and useful delicacy can eat everything, except for those who suffer from an individual intolerance to this wonderful product.
Author: Katerina Sergeenko