What is fitness?
Today is the floor "fitness" familiar to everyone. Fitness has become an integral part of the life of all those who care about their health and want to look great. Thousands are engaged in thousands of people, talk about it, write, argue; someone is making money and a career on this, someone is devoting their free time to this, and someone is scornful, not believing in the success of working on themselves in this way.
The word itself came from the English fit, which intranslation means "fit", "be in good shape". Well and in exact translation from English fitness means "conformity". Fitness implies the compliance of various sports exercises, classes and other ways of improving health, adjusting the figure for the overall strengthening of the body. This is not a sport, because sports provide for professional pursuits aimed at winning better results. This healing technique allows you to change the shape of the body and its weight, as well as permanently consolidate the result achieved. It includes physical training combined with a properly selected diet. Fitness - not only physical exercises, but also a certain way of life, full of awareness of complete victory over yourself, a sense of joy and pride in your successes.
Fitness arose in the 90's in the US as an alternativebodybuilding. After all, bodybuilding focuses on creating a huge in size and ideal in form of muscle mass, and also involves the use of anabolic steroids. Fitness has its own system of work on the body, training and rational nutrition and does not set a goal to build huge muscles. Some confuse fitness with shaping, which, by the way, is a Soviet invention (a patent application was filed in the USSR in 1988).
Despite the external similarity of their goals, shaping -completely separate concept, the system of training in shaping only partly coincides with fitness training. One of the most significant differences between them is the controversial and very specific nutrition system adopted in shaping, implying a rapid loss of total body weight and requiring a perfectly healthy stomach from a person.
With the advent of fitness in such prestigious tournamentson bodybuilding, as the "Universe" (conducted by the association NABBA) and Olimpia (organized by the International Bodybuilding Federation, IFBB), there was a corresponding nomination, as well as a new concept in general - "bodyfitness". Fitness tournaments WFF (World Fitness Federation) have a more complex structure and a bit like beauty contests.
In addition to posing models, the program of theseThe competition also includes a choreographic program and the so-called "microphone round", which includes a defile and a small story of the participants about themselves. The jury evaluates athletes in many ways, as well as cosmetics, skin tone and tone, posture, gait, the whole image: how attractive and convincing in terms of health. According to the rules, before the start of the competition, participants must approve their costumes in the admissions office.
The popularity of fitness classes is thatthe goal of all fitness programs is not the achievement of high sports results, but the desire to help people lead a healthy lifestyle. All fitness programs are built on the basis of the principle of safety and maximum health benefits for visitors to fitness clubs. This is the practice of trainers, sportsmen, doctors, psychologists and other representatives of different specialties. Fitness combines the many years of experience of leading specialists of various fields, all those who are called to take care of human health and well-being.