Exercises of respiratory gymnasticsWhen practicing any kind of fintes, the coach always emphasizes our attention to the fact that you need to breathe properly. And did you know that there are special Exercises of respiratory gymnastics, which can benefit your health?

Usually we do not breathe in fullsurface breathing involved about a third of the life volume of the lungs. At physical exertion, breathing becomes more frequent, but does not get much deeper. Exercise breathing exercises allow us engage a significant portion of the lungs, due to which more oxygen enters the blood.

Why do breathing exercises? Proper breathing will help you improvewell-being and give vivacity. If you know how to breathe properly, it will be easier for you to calm down and manage your emotions in stressful situations. Individual exercises of respiratory gymnastics are useful for reducing fatigue and concentration of attention. They will help you to "refresh" the brain and with new forces to return to intellectual activity.

Exercises of respiratory gymnastics help to develop the muscles of the chest and ligaments. They are recommended Performing before sports and morning exercises. Correctly executed breathing exercises will help to fight insomnia caused by stress and overwork.

What exercises of respiratory gymnastics to choose - it's up to you. From the set different complexes of respiratory gymnastics literally eyes run up. Some methods are based on the experience of yogis and healers of the Ancient East, and some complexes are more modern. You can be offered breathing exercises for Strelnikova, Butenko or Grof, yoga, jiangfei or qigong. The choice is yours, its main criterion is how much you like this or that complex or technique.

Whatever exercises of respiratory gymnastics you choose, when you perform them, you must observe general rules. The first and main rule - Any exercises need to be performed with pleasure. If you breathe through strength, because "soit is necessary "- the benefits of such lessons will be negligible.Therefore, if the exercise has ceased to bring you positive emotions or even started to cause discomfort - stop it to perform.

To breathe properly is not at all to breathe deeply. The depth of breathing depends on the specific exercise, but when performing any breathing exercises, you need breathe slowly, so that the body is better saturated with oxygen. For exercises to be more effective, at runtime concentrate only on them, without being distracted by extraneous thoughts and external stimuli.

You need to breathe nose, and not the mouth, unless it is specifically stated in the instructions for the exercise. Exercise breathing exercises should be in comfortable clothes on the street or in a well-ventilated room.

As an example, we can offer you breathing exercises based on the technique of yogis.

  1. Delayed breathing. To perform this exercise, you need to becomestraight, deep breathe and hold it for as long as possible, and then exhale forcefully through the mouth. With each passing day you will be able to hold your breath longer and longer. Delayed breathing develops lungs and respiratory muscles, cleans air in the lungs and helps enrich the organs and tissues with oxygen.

  2. Excitation of pulmonary cells. You need to get straight and spread your arms. Take a slow breath, and on exhalation, tap with your fingertips over the chest in different places. As soon as you feel that the lungs are full of air, hold your breath and tap the palms of your chest. This exercise can cause dizziness, so it should be done very carefully!

  3. Exercise for the development of rib elasticity. When performing this exercise, respiratorygymnastics you need to become straight, pressing your hands to the sides of your chest. In this case, the thumbs should be directed towards the back, the palms - lying on the sides, and the remaining fingers turn to the front of the chest. You seem to be squeezing your chest from the sides, but do not apply any special effort. Take a deep breath and hold your breath for a little while. On a slow exhalation, gradually squeeze the ribs with your hands.

  4. Exercise to maintain the shape of the chest. You are required to become straight, take a deep breath andhold the breath. Hands need to be pulled forward and clenching their fists at shoulder level. Keeping the fists tight, take your hands back, and then return them to their original position. Exercise is repeated several times with strained muscles of the hands, then you can exhale through the nose. This exercise will avoid the reduction of the chest associated with a sedentary lifestyle.

  5. Exercise "on the go." Raise your chin, pull your shoulders back andgo forward. Steps should be equal in length. Inhaling is done in eight receptions without stopping for eight steps, in the same way a slow exhalation through the nose is done. Then hold your breath for eight steps. Exercise should be repeated until you are tired.

After each exercise should be done cleansing breath. To do this, you need to stand up straight, with your arms down and your shoulders relaxed. Take a full breath and hold your breath for a few seconds, then exhale slowly.

Exercises of respiratory gymnastics are useful in anyage. They have practically no contraindications, although before choosing a particular complex it is still necessary to consult a doctor or a trainer. But remember that any Exercise of respiratory gymnastics must be performed regularly - only so you will achieve the desired result.

Exercises of respiratory gymnastics
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