Breath! Do not breath! How to breathe correctly during training

In everyday life, probably, no one thinks about when to inhale air, and when to exhale. Breathe yourself - that's all. And here in fitness classes breathing is very important. Correct inhaling and exhaling, you can not only significantly ease the burden on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, but also increase the effectiveness of the entire workout.

And for those people whose goal is to lose weight faster,breathing can become an active catalyst for fat burning. After all, during the process of "breathing in and out" our blood is actively saturated with oxygen, and it, in turn, accelerates the metabolism, thus burning the excess fat in the cells.

Breathing depends on the direction of the exercisefitness. Strength exercises assume a strong muscle tension. With such a load, it's hard to think about the right breathing. Often, doing some difficult exercise, the trainees hold their breath. This can not be done in any case! Breath holding can instantly increase blood pressure and cause a short-term loss of consciousness due to oxygen starvation of the brain.

Exercising force, it is recommended to exhale at the time of the greatest muscular effortand inhale at the moment of the least. For example, if you swing the muscles of the lower press by lifting your legs up from the position lying on your back, then during the lifting you take a breath, and at the moment of lowering - exhale. When pulling in, the breath is done, bending the arms and reaching the chin of the crossbar, and exhaling - dropping into the starting position.

Exercises on the development of flexibility - the basis of any workout, it's the slopes, and turns, and rotation, and mahi. They have their own specifics of breathing. In these exercises breathing in the positions that contribute to the expansion of the chest, and exhalation - when squeezed.

For example, by tilting forward, touching with your handssex, breathing should be done in a position where the trunk is straightened, the arms are lowered and slightly retracted. It is this position that helps to fill the lungs with air. And the exhalation must be performed by leaning forward: the chest and abdominal organs at this moment are compressed, which helps more complete displacement of air.

Walking, running, cycling require an even and deep breathing. The fuller the exhalation, the deeper will be the inhalation, and the better the ventilation of the lungs. However, in all things a sense of proportion is necessary.

Too deep breathing can cause dizziness. While running, remember that the chaotic,with pauses or, on the contrary, too frequent breathing disturbs the rhythm of running, makes coordination difficult and does not provide sufficient ventilation of the lungs. Slow running involves for each breath and exhale about 3-4 steps, and when moving at an average speed, for each breath and exhale - 1-2 steps.

In swimming, breathing depends on the style. If you swim with a breaststroke, you can make a breathonly when the head is raised above the water; if the crawl is at the end of the stroke, when the face is turned to the side and the mouth is over the water. In other phases of swimming, one can only exhale air into water.

There is an opinion that there is not much difference, than breathing - mouth or nose. But it's better, of course, with your nose. This recommendation is especially relevant if you are training on the street. The air that you inhale passes through the nasal passages, heats up, clears from dust and microorganisms. When we breathe through the mouth, air immediately enters the nasopharynx, dust and germs partially settle on the tonsils, and partially penetrate the trachea and bronchi. Pollution and hypothermia of the respiratory tract often cause colds and infectious diseases.

Breath! Do not breath! How to breathe correctly during training
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