Banana DietAlthough bananas are considered to be high in caloriesproduct, but with their help, you can also lose weight. In addition, they are the source of many vitamins (A, B, C, E, PP) and minerals (iron, potassium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, calcium). Potassium has a diuretic and laxative effect, due to this the body will be cleansed of toxins and toxins.

In these fruits, very little fat, which contributes tolower cholesterol. And thanks to such organic structures as sucrose, fructose, glucose, you will not feel hungry. Still glucose is a food for a brain and nerves, means, eating not absolutely habitually, depression to you does not threaten. Bananas are useful for those who have gastritis and problems with the intestines, they stimulate the renewal of the epithelium and the secretion of mucus, which protects the inner wall of the stomach from damage.

It is very important to be able to choose the right bananas. Unripe green bananas are better not to eat, they contain insoluble starch, it is not digested, and because of it in the intestine can accumulate gases. Dried fruit is also not recommended, because they are five times more calorie fresh. Fruit bananas - yellow, with thin skin, not very long. Vegetable - green, long, with a thick skin. They can be fried, marinated or sour, but they are not eaten raw. For a diet suitable only fruit bananas. Carefully clean them, taking off all the white threads, leaving only the flesh.

7-day banana diet gives an opportunityreset to 7 kg. In a day, you can eat 1.5 kg of peeled bananas, and then, when you want. Drink green tea without sugar and sugar substitutes in any amount. Since bananas do not have much protein, during the diet you can afford 2 eggs. Drink a lot, up to 1.5 liters of fluid per day, but only green tea or drinking water at room temperature.

The variant of the diet, calculated for 3 days, will helpget rid of 3 kg of excess weight. Diet for a day - 3 bananas and 3 cups of skim milk (if you tolerate it well) divide into as many parts as you once used to eat. If you are allergic or you just do not like milk, you can take 1% kefir.

By the way, during a diet you can pamper yourselfinteresting and delicious cocktails of bananas. For example: "Banana temptation." For cooking requires a crushed medium-sized banana, ripe pear, 1 tsp. cinnamon, 1 tbsp. l. honey, 80 ml. orange juice, 750 ml. 1, 5% milk. Whisk all the ingredients in the mixer, divide into 4 portions. For breakfast, drink one portion and eat a toast, smeared with a thin layer of low-calorie oil. "Brazilian banana dream": you need 4 small ripe banana, 1 st. l. instant coffee in granules, 1 tbsp. l. hot water, 2 teaspoons of sugar, 250 g of low fat yogurt, half a l. toasted chopped almonds. 1 banana peel and cut into slices, crush the rest with a fork. Dissolve coffee in hot water and mix with mashed bananas. Place the mixture in four large glasses, sprinkle with sugar and put a full spoonful of yogurt on top. Thus, alternate layers, decorate with banana slices and crushed roasted almonds from above.

Banana diet is very effective and is suitable almostall, although if you are not a big fan of bananas, then perhaps they do not even want to look at them. In addition, if after going out with such a diet you immediately pounce on flour and sweet, then your weight will immediately return to the original.

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