Food in pots: fineness of cooking

In the pot you can cook any dishes: meat, fish, vegetables, soups, porridges ... It's very good to cook thick soups in pots, which represent something between the soup itself and the second meat dish, for example, goulash. Food in pots is not brewed, stewed or baked, but rather languish, so the products have time to soak their own juice, and the finished dish has a rich taste and aroma.
Food in pots is prepared according to special rules, which you need to know if you want your dish to be as it should be. Different products have different cooking times, so if you put them in a pot together, some part of your dish will either boil or be half-baked. There are several options for how to avoid this.
You can simply lay products in turn at different times. But this is not very convenient if you cook in a pot under the lid of dough. The second option - fry or put out some of the products before half-cooked before laying in a pot, this is often the case with meat. Finally, you can go for the trick. For example, meat with vegetables can be stewed not in water or broth, but in tomato juice. The acid in the juice accelerates the preparation of meat, but slows down the preparation of vegetables.
By the way, a lot of liquids when cooking in the pots are not added. The whole point is that the food is prepared in its ownjuice. If you cook soup or goulash, where the liquid is added necessarily, never pour the broth or water to the brim, while cooking, the liquid can "run away". Also, do not use too much oil or fat when cooking, you can even cut off excess fat from the meat - it will still turn out juicy.
Food in pots is cooked under the lid. It can be a standard clay cover fromA pot, a foil or a lid of dough. The lid of the dough looks more original, besides, you do not need to serve bread with such dishes - it's the same lid that will fulfill its functions. Make it from a yeast or unleavened dough, but to keep it better, the edges of the neck of the pot are smeared with a beaten egg.
You can, for example, make simple lidsunleavened dough from 3 tbsp. flour, 1 tbsp. water, one egg and salt. And you can make a dough on kefir from 1 tbsp. kefir, 100 g of margarine, 1 egg, 0.5 tsp. sugar, 0.5 tsp. soda and salt to taste. Flour in this case, you need to add so much to get a dough, like a dumplings. With lids from the dough, the pots are covered not immediately, but half an hour before the end of cooking, until this moment, the food in the pots is prepared under the usual clay lid.
To make the food in the pots more juicy, recommend about an hour or at least fifteen minutes to keep clay pots in the water (if only inside they are not processed by glaze). Glazed pots for cooking in the oven is better not to use at all. If you do not soak the pots, rinse them with water before cooking.
Clay pot is never put in a preheated oven, only in a cold or slightly warm, and the temperature is increased gradually. Taking out the pot from the oven, you can not immediately putits on a wet or cold surface, you first need to let it cool slightly on a cutting board or a special wooden stand. On the stove, food is not cooked in pots, only in the oven or in a Russian oven.
Pots are not advised to be washed with a detergent or soap, because they are absorbed into the pores of clay, and whenThe next preparation of clay "gives" them to the dish. Wash the pot with hot water and a hard brush, if not washed - fill the pot with water from 1-4 st. l. soda and leave overnight. Do not wash pots in the dishwasher. Before storing the pot, allow it to dry completely.
Food in pots is very simple to prepare, but it is insanely delicious and aromatic. Just try at least once to make soup or meat in a pot, and we are sure - cooking different dishes in pots will become a good tradition in your home.