Conflicts in the workplace

Conflict is one of the most commonways of human communication. Especially popular and at the same time harmful it becomes in working collectives where to communicate and coexist in one territory to people of completely different views and temperaments. Conflicts in the work collective are undesirable for many reasons. They disorganize the personnel, reduce the overall productivity of work, create a heavy atmosphere and negatively affect the corporate image.


It is possible to prevent disputes and scandalsresponsible work of the personnel department. It is important not only to find qualified employees, but also to properly staff departments and units and provide the most comfortable working conditions for everyone - but not to the detriment of colleagues. For this, HR and recruitment specialists should compile a psychological portrait of each employee.

So you can assess his moral readiness forperformance of duties and communicative qualities, proceeding from temperament, features of character, education and outlook. Workers should not have religious intolerance, everyone should be aware of the concept of tolerance and respect for a colleague, regardless of the official position. Strengthening of collective relations is promoted by various kinds of trainings.

A guide that takes care of a friendly atmospherein the team of chiefs, often arranges joint training or courses for employees. These activities can be related to professional development, mastering additional skills, but at the same time, the contact between people is developing, and the level of mutual understanding is growing.

What if the conflict has already happened?

If you are confronted with a misunderstanding inteam, do not hurry to develop a conflict or leave work. As practice shows, insoluble problems within the working collective are rare. Since all employees are already adults and conscious people, a scandal for the vast majority is just an undesirable phenomenon, an obstacle to work, and not a way of amusement or self-actualization. It is possible that if you decide on a constructive conversation in order to pacify the situation in the team, most colleagues will support you.

The most common problems in the internal life of the collective and their solutions

Careerism. Excessive desire of some workers to pleaseThe authorities most often violate the balance in the mini-society. After all, such "zealous" can tell the authorities about some purely internal problems, discussions and jokes. Therefore careerists become undesirable interlocutors and involuntarily create a negative tension for any of their appearances.

The solution of this problem should be approachedphilosophically, fencing himself thus from external influences and warning the inner negativity. Everyone is interested in improving their material wealth and social status. If one of your colleagues has chosen the path of total "helpfulness" to the boss - believe me, the fate of flexible spine is not easy. This should spur you to work qualitatively and calmly. Not getting along with the careerist and not exacerbating the negative.

Struggle for power. In crowded offices, the struggle for initiative andleadership is quite natural. As a rule, the competition positively affects the company's robot and is beneficial to the authorities. Such a militant policy will require you to have original thinking, the ability to make quick decisions and navigate in different situations. However, physical fatigue, overstrain, irritability and instability of the emotional state are not worth the struggle.

Author: Katerina Sergeenko

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