Attacks of aggression

Attacks of aggression can appear for various reasons. For some, it's just reaction to pain or fatigue. But others can experience attacks of aggression, if they do not like something. At the same time, it is impossible to control aggression, so it sometimes comes to assault.
If for a long time not to pay any attention to the manifestation of aggression and not to treat it, various psychological problems can begin, which greatly affect the personalrelationship. But in addition, the sudden attacks of aggression go away as sharply as they do, and then the person only has a bitter sludge on his soul and an awareness of his own guilt that it was he who caused this situation. As a result, depression appears, and internal strength of the body weakens. That is why aggression should be necessarily treated.
By the way, aggressive behavior is nothing more than an indicator of a person's internal state. If something is bothering him, but there is no way to solve this problem, as well as a chance to change everything, various disorders accumulate inside, which then come out as attacks of aggression.
Of course, The only way to treat attacks of aggression is by a psychologist. But still it does not stop to understandhimself. Any dissatisfaction with your work, too fast pace of life, excessive loads or numerous minor problems, which you can not solve, can cause aggression.
If you are too tired from all those loads that you experience, reduce the pace of life. Give yourself a break. Attacks of aggression often cause a lack of rest. Pay attention, put some things aside and try to relax. Also, it is not superfluous to transfer some of the duties that you are performing to other people. If you do not have time to do household chores, and disobedience to your child causes aggression, ask your husband to help you. Perhaps you have taken on all the work and care for the family. Your nervous tension does not let you go, in the end it turns out that you have uncontrollable attacks of aggression.
Also it will be superfluous reception of herbal teas, which will act on you soothing. But nevertheless it is necessary to remember, that you really will become calmer, but here in the decision of problems herbal tinctures will not help you.
If you can not reduce the pace of life and give part of the duties to other people, try to learn how to control aggression. If attacks of aggression are inevitable, then You can learn to control your own anger and throw it out not at people, but on objects. So, in Japan, office workers experienceconstant stress, which over time provokes attacks of aggression. To avoid splashing out all the anger on other people, the Japanese break down on special stuffed animals, which can symbolize their bosses. Anyone who is dissatisfied with something can beat such a scarecrow. On the one hand, anger will be poured out, but on the other hand, no one will suffer.
Think, perhaps, all your anger you could not sweep on the people around you, but on objects. Also Try to keep all accumulated negative thoughts and irritation in yourself. You can endure for a long time, but every person's patience can burst sooner or later. The more inside you will be collected anger, the stronger will be your further attacks of aggression.
Psychologists also suggest the transformation of aggression into other feelings. This method is aimed at ensuring that controlYour own anger did not destroy either you or the things around you. The essence of these transformations is that aggression can be replaced by another safer feeling. But in order to take advantage of this method, one will have to study each specific case of the appearance of attacks of aggression, and what causes them. Only after a detailed study of the psychologist can give good advice.