Canned gherkins

Gherkins are small cucumbers 4-8 cm long, which are removed until full maturation and used for canning (mostly marinated). How to close canned gherkins for the winter, the Land of Soviets will tell.
Canned gherkins: 1 version
Here is one of the many options for canning gherkins. Closing cucumbers for this recipe, you will get strong, crispy, savory and mouth-watering pickled gherkins. We need a liter bank:
600 g of gherkins
15 g of dill
several horseradish and currant leaves
3-6 peas of sweet pepper
2-4 cloves of garlic
0.5-1 g of bitter bell pepper
For marinade
400 ml of water
50 ml of 5% vinegar
20 g of salt
Gherkins and 8 hours soaked in coldwater, and every 2 hours the water should be changed. Wet cucumbers washed with running water. Leaves of horseradish, currants and dill and cut into pieces about 5 cm long. Cut the pepper in half (lengthwise). Garlic is cleaned and every tooth is cut into halves.
We prepare marinade: pour water into an enamel saucepan, add salt. Brining the brine to a boil, filter it through several layers of gauze. Heat again to a boil and pour in the vinegar. We put the greens and spices in prepared cans, fill the jars with cucumbers and fill with a hot (but not boiling) marinade. The marinade level should be one and a half centimeters below the neck of the can.
Cover the jars with sterilized lids and sterilize for 8 minutes, then roll up and set it upside down for cooling.
Canned gherkins: 2 version
Here is another version of the preparation of marinated gherkins, it differs from the first not only with a set of spices used, but also with the technique of canning. Products we take the following:
2 tablespoons of sugar
1 tablespoon of salt
2-4 cloves of garlic
red and black pepper
leaves of currant and horseradish
Bay leaf
greens (dill, parsley)
We take a clean and dry jar (do not sterilizewe must), at the bottom lay out greens, peeled garlic, sugar, salt and spices. Cucumbers carefully washing and drying. If the cucumbers were collected from the beds a few days ago, pre-soak them for 6-8 hours, freshly harvested gherkins can not be soaked.
Vinegar poured into a narrow saucepan and brought toboiling. For a few minutes we lower the cucumbers into the vinegar, until they change color. Then put the cucumbers in a jar, pour boiling water and cork. Turn the jar upside down, wrap it until it cools down completely.
Canned gherkins: 3 version
Perhaps you will like the recipe of pickled gherkins. To close the canned gherkins, we take:
gherkins per 1 liter jar
700 ml of water
3 tablespoons vinegar
2 tablespoons of sugar
1 tablespoon of salt
5 peas of sweet pepper
3-5 leaves of cherry and currant
2 sprigs of dill with umbrellas
1 clove of garlic
1 bay leaves
a small piece of chili pepper
Gherkin soaked in cold water for sixhours, after which carefully mine and cut off the tips. Sterilize the jar, put cherry and black currant leaves on the bottom, bay leaves, sweet peppercorns (you can add black if desired), chili, finely chopped garlic and dill.
Fill the can with gherkins. We bring the water to a boil, pour the cucumbers and leave for 10-15 minutes. Then drain the water into a saucepan, add sugar and salt and bring to a boil. Fill cucumbers with boiling brine, add vinegar and cork the can with a metal lid. Such canned gherkins should be stored in a cool place (cellar or refrigerators), but also at room temperature.
Bon Appetit!