Beans for the winter

Usually we prepare for future use cucumbers, tomatoes,zucchini, eggplant and other vegetables. But for some reason the beans are not included in this list very often. Why not try to cook beans for the winter this year?

Marinated beans for the winter

Marinated beans can be used assnack or garnish, add to salads. It's quite easy to cook it. For harvesting for the winter, it is better to take fresh beans, recently torn off. If she had time to dry a little, you need to soak it in water for a while.

Beans for the winter

Necessary ingredients:

  • kidney beans - 1 kg

  • water - 3-3.5 liters

  • 120 g of salt

  • 120 g of sugar

  • 3 tsp. 70% vinegar (acetic essence)

  • cloves, black peppercorns, bay leaf, fragrant pepper, coriander grains, mustard grains - to taste

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Beans rinse well with running water, put in a saucepan and pour water.

  2. If you pickle fresh beans, just soak it for 1 hour, but if it has already been dried - hold it in water all night.

  3. Drain the water in which the beans were soaked and pour it with fresh cold water in the recipe specified.

  4. Add the saucepan with beans salt, sugar and spices.

  5. Put the pan with beans on a large fire and quickly bring to a boil, then reduce the fire to medium.

    Attention! Perhaps you will find that there is too much water. This is a deceptive impression: when cooking some of the water evaporates, and some will be absorbed into the beans. If the beans are too dry, you may need to even pour in water. In this case, add 40 grams of salt and sugar and 1 teaspoon of acetic essence for each added liter of water.

  6. Cook the beans over medium heat until soft, it will take about one and a half to two hours.

  7. When the bean is soft, add the vinegar essence, cook for 3 more minutes, then turn it off.

  8. Ready beans, not letting it cool, put them into sterilized cans, top up the marinade in which it was cooked, and then roll it up.

  9. Wrap the jars of beans with a blanket and allow them to cool slowly overnight.Beans for the winter

    On a note! According to this recipe, you can pickle not only the usual bean beans, but also white lima beans, mung beans, chickpeas and black Russian beans.

Asparagus beans for the winter in tomato sauce

Many like to close for the winter beans in tomatojuice or sauce. This method of canning is suitable for both conventional and asparagus beans. The recipe for conventional beans in tomato we have already published, so now we suggest you read the recipe for canned asparagus beans.

Beans for the winter

Necessary ingredients:

  • young asparagus beans - 1 kg

  • ripe tomatoes - 750 g

  • sugar 20 g

  • salt - 20 g

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Wash beans from the beans, cut from the ends and cut into pieces about 6 cm long.

  2. Dissolve the water and bring to a boil.

  3. Blanch the chopped beans in boiling water for 3-5 minutes, then immediately cool under cold water.

  4. Prepared beans are densely packed in dry sterile jars.

  5. Wash tomatoes, cut into slices and put them in an enamel saucepan, covered with a lid.

  6. Add four cups of boiling water to the pot with tomatoes, put on a plate and steam on the smallest fire, so that the tomatoes become soft.

  7. Wipe the tomatoes through a sieve.

  8. You should get a thick tomato juice with pulp. Add salt and sugar to it, put it on the fire.

  9. Bring tomato juice to a boil and pour it into cans with beans.

  10. Pasteurize the jars at a temperature of 90 degrees. For a liter can, the pasteurization time will be 50-55 minutes.

  11. Ready beans roll, banks turn upside down. cover with a blanket and leave so until completely cooled.

  12. Keep this bean should be in a cool place.Beans for the winter

Bean and aubergine salad

Often, beans for the winter are harvested in the composition of vegetable salads. We offer you one of the many recipes; in the salad in addition to beans and eggplants are other vegetables.

Beans for the winter

Necessary ingredients:

  • tomatoes - 2,5 kg

  • eggplant - 2 kg

  • beans - 500 g

  • Bulgarian pepper - 500 g

  • carrots - 500 g

  • vegetable oil - 350 ml

  • sugar - 250 g

  • garlic - 200 g

  • 9% table vinegar - 100 ml

  • salt - 2 tbsp. spoons

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Bean soak overnight.Beans for the winter

  2. In the morning drain the liquid, pour the beans again with fresh cold water, bring to a boil.

  3. Cook the beans until they are ready, but make sure that it is not boiled. While the beans are brewing, prepare other vegetables.Beans for the winter

  4. Eggplant well wash, cut into cubes and sprinkle with large salt for 20 minutes.Beans for the winter

  5. Bulgarian pepper washed, remove seeds, cut into cubes.

  6. Carrots clean, wash and grate on a large grater.Beans for the winter

  7. Wash the tomatoes and cut them into slices.

  8. Garlic, clean and wash.

  9. Tomatoes and garlic is passed through a meat grinder or chopped with a blender.Beans for the winter

  10. Eggplant squeeze a little and wash away excess salt in running water.

  11. Pour the tomato juice with garlic into a large saucepan and put on a slow fire.Beans for the winter

  12. When tomatoes are boiling, add vegetable oil, sugar and salt to them.

    Attention!! When you salt salad, remember that the eggplant is already salty.

  13. Again give a boil, add the carrots and mix well.

  14. When the vegetable mixture boils again, add the Bulgarian pepper, stir again.Beans for the winter

  15. Allow the mixture to boil again, put eggplants and cook for half an hour.

  16. At the very end of the cooking, add boiled beans and boil for another 20 minutes.Beans for the winter

  17. Add the vinegar to the salad, let it boil and turn it off immediately.

  18. Ready salad in a hot form spread over the sterilized jars and roll up.Beans for the winter

Video recipe for canned asparagus beans for the winter

Asparagus beans can be preserved for the winter notonly with tomatoes, there are many known recipes for its preparation. Meet the easiest way to preserve the asparagus beans without adding any other vegetables. Also from the video you will learn how to use canned beans in winter.

Bon Appetit!

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