Dishes from courgettes
In July, the very midst of harvesting zucchini. About this gorgeous vegetable, the chefs and dieticians sing praises. Courgettes contain a huge number of useful

substances and minerals, they are low-calorie and are used as a preventive agent for many diseases. But one of the main culinary properties of courgettes is the speed

cooking, versatility and simplicity. Marrows are fried, stewed, baked, marinated, stuffed ... So, we meet - delicious dishes of courgettes on the table

Countries of the Soviets.

Dishes from courgettes

Courgettes with mayonnaise

It will take 2-3 squash with a diameter of about 6-7 cm, 200 g of mayonnaise, flour and several cloves of garlic.

Cooking method. Cut into thin slices (about 5 mm) squash. Salt and let stand for about 10 minutes.

While there are zucchini, you can cook garlic-mayonnaise mixture: crush a garlic clove a few cloves of garlic and mix with mayonnaise. There you can add black

pepper, cumin, dill.

Roll the slice of marrow in flour and fry on both sides in vegetable oil until golden brown.

Fry the circles spread in a continuous layer in a wide bowl with small sides. When the bottom of the dishes is completely covered with one layer of fried zucchini, thickly oil

its garlic-mayonnaise mixture.

Also lay out the following layers and lubricate them with a mayonnaise mixture.

Prepared puffed cucumber cake put in the fridge for two hours.

Courgettes in batter

It will take zucchini small diameter, 2 raw eggs, 1 tablespoon flour, salt, pepper.

Cooking method. Cut the zucchini circles in a thickness of 5-7 mm,salt, pepper. For batter, we need to beat the eggs with flour. Before roasting we dip the circles of zucchini into the batter and fry them to a golden color on both sides on

vegetable oil. We put it on a beautiful dish and serve it to a table with sour cream.

Squash caviar

For the preparation of caviar: 0.5 kg of onions, 0.5 kg of carrots, 4-5 kg ​​of courgettes.

Cooking method. Finely chop the onion until golden brown, add grated carrots to it and stew it all for about 5-7 minutes. Grated on a large

grater zucchini mixed together with carrot-onion mixture, salt, pepper and stew under a closed lid until ready.

Serve to the table as a supplement to the garnish.

Try our simple recipes and you will be sure that dishes from courgettes deserve attention and adoration.

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