How to cook delicious zucchini in Korean?
Zucchini on our table - one of the most popularvegetables. They are low-calorie, but at the same time contain many vitamins and nutrients. Of these, you can cook many different dishes, including for the future. You, for sure, have not tried to make zakonkas in Korean, try and you can surprise your guests with a delicious snack. Especially will like those snacks for those who prefer a sharp and spicy.
- Marinated zucchini in Korean;
- Preserved for the winter zucchini in Korean.
Recipe 1: Marinated Courgettes in Korean
This salad is light and nutritious. Due to the abundance of seasonings and spices, it has a piquant island taste and a pleasant aroma. Marinated in the winter zucchini in Korean, you can serve on the table, either as an excellent side dish to meat dishes, or as a tasty cold snack.
Necessary ingredients:
- zucchini medium size - 4 pcs
- red bell pepper - 1 pc
- yellow bell pepper - 1 pc
- onion medium size - 1 pc
- carrots - 3 pcs
- garlic - 4 cloves
- sesame seeds - 2 tsp.
- sesame oil - 1 tbsp. l.
- soy sauce - 1 tbsp. l.
- red ground pepper - 2 tsp.
- vinegar - 2 tsp.
- sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
- vegetable oil - ½ cup
- black ground pepper - to taste
- salt - to taste
Cooking method:
The traditional version of this dish is notpurifies the skin. In order to cook zucchini in Korean usually choose strong and young vegetables, small in size. So, we start to cook.
Vegetables should be thoroughly washed and cut verythin circles. After that, after a little salting them, put under the press for a couple of hours. Cut thin onion rings and fry in vegetable oil. Cut the Bulgarian pepper into thin strips, and grate the carrots on a fine grater.
Get the zucchini from the press, merge the allocatedjuice. In a separate bowl, mix the squash, carrots, onions, peppers and finely chopped garlic. Stirring mixture of vegetables, add the remaining ingredients, vinegar and stir again. At the end, add a little salt to taste. After this, it is worth giving the dish to brew in the refrigerator for about an hour.
At the table, serve with a potato dish as a cold snack.
Recipe 2: Canned in the winter zucchini in Korean
Canned zucchini in winter will bean integral and tasty addition to your table. They are able to make any dish more appetizing, because they have a wonderful spicy aroma and an island taste. This recipe for conservation does not require much trouble, and you get the so-called fast canned courgettes in Korean.
Necessary ingredients:
- zucchini medium size - 2.5 kg
- carrots - 0,5 kg
- onion - 0.5 kg
- bulgarian pepper of large size - 5 pcs
- garlic - 150 gr
- dill greens
- parsley greens
- celery greens
- green coriander
for marinade:
- granulated sugar - 1 tbsp
- vegetable oil - 1 tbsp
- vinegar - 1 tbsp
- salt - 2 tbsp. l.
- spices for the Korean carrots.
Cooking method:
Clean and rinse the vegetables. Carrots and zucchini grate on a special grater, pepper Bulgarian and chop the onion into thin strips. Grind the cloves of garlic and all the cooked greens, add to the sliced vegetables and pour the marinade. Stir thoroughly the resulting mass and leave for 3 hours, so that zucchini are infused and marinated. After this, the billet, laying tightly, spread on jars along with the marinade, sterilize the jars. Roll and place in a dark and cool place.
Prepared canned zucchini can be served on a lunch or a festive table.
Preparing for these recipes, you should follow all the advice, because as soon as the dish will have a unique piquant taste and aroma, which are different dishes of Korean cuisine.