Compote of pears

Compote of pears for harvesting for the winter should be cooked from wholeundamaged pears or from cut fruits. If necessary, citric acid is added to the compote of the pears. Sugar in the compote of pears should be put to taste, depending on the variety of pears.

Compote of pears

To make compote of pears you will need:

  • pears

  • sugar

  • water

  • citric acid, if necessary


Prepare pears for compote. To do this, select the fruits mature, but not too soft. Pears can be cleaned and cut, and can be left whole.

Prepare jars for compote of pears: wash the cans to sterilize over steam for 5 minutes. For compote of pears, it is best to take 3-liter cans.

In cans, add the prepared pears, filling them with about 1-3 or 1/2 of the volume. The more pears, the more concentrated the compote of pears.

Boil pour the pears and leave for 3-5 minutes. Then pour the water into a basin or pan.

Add sugar, citric acid, if necessary. Boil the syrup.

Pour boiling syrup pears (up to the top), cover the banks with boiled lids, sterilize 40-45 minutes (from the boiling point of water).

With the help of a compression machine, roll up the cans with lids. Inverted form cover with a warm blanket, cool.

Completely cooled compote of pears to put away for storage.

Bon Appetit!

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