Pear jam
For pear jam In summer you can use such pear varieties as Duchesse summer, Limonovka. Pear jam should be prepared from ripe, but fairly solid fruit.
Pear jam
For cooking pear jam you will need:
- pears - 1 kg
- sugar - 1,5 kg
- water
Prepare the pears. For this, take strong pears that are not ripe, rinsed, peeled of leaves, cut into slices, removing the core with seeds.
Cut the pears into a saucepan and pour cold water over them. Water should be taken so that it only covers the pears.
Boil pears until soft.
Pour the required amount of sugar into a jar of pear jam, pour 2 cups of pear broth (water in which pears were cooked). Boil the syrup.
In a hot syrup put pears and cook on low heat pear jam until ready.
Ready-made hot pear jam (thick, a drop of jam does not spread) to be packed in prepared cans and rolled up with lids. Cool, store
Bon Appetit!
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