Canned cucumber with currant without vinegar

What is attractive about this recipe isthis is because it does not contain a single gram of vinegar and acid. As a preservative, red currant appears, pickled cucumbers with it turn out to be fragrant, crispy, with a piquant note in taste. In addition, such canned cucumbers - an excellent option for the children's menu.

Canned cucumbers with red currants - recipe with a photo

This stock is well kept for4-6 months, provided that all recommendations, component proportions and thorough cleaning of dishes are strictly observed. (Banks need to be heated in the oven to prevent the entry of pathogens). Cucumber for harvesting, select without external damage.

Cucumbers for the winter without vinegar - the necessary ingredients:

  • cucumber (600 grams);

  • red currant (400 grams);

  • salt (2 tablespoons);

  • water (1000 ml);

  • sugar (1.5 tbsp);

  • 2-3 chunks of garlic;

  • sprig of dill (2-3 pcs.).

Cucumbers in cans without vinegar - step by step instruction

  1. Clean, dry cucumbers put in pre-heated containers.

  2. Add the umbrellas of dill. We use only flowering greens, which gives the fruits the necessary spicy note.

  3. Fill the fruits with steep boiling water. Covering the lid, wait 20 minutes.

  4. After pouring the liquid out of the jar, add crushed garlic to it. We pour the berries of red currant.

    If you do not like garlic, you can replace it with ginger, cut into thin strips.

  5. Fill the jar with steep boiling water, leave for 20 minutes.

  6. The last step is to prepare marinade from salt,refined water and purified water. We pour boiling syrup containers (previously drained from them cooled water), clogged with lids. Turn over the blanks, cover them with a warm blanket. After 7-10 hours canned cucumbers with red currants are sent for storage.

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