Spicy zucchini in Korean - the most delicious recipe for winter

Preparing pickled zucchini in Korean for winterallows them to be rolled with rings, pieces or circles. You can add other vegetables to the roll, you can use only garlic and onions to give an amazing aroma. Will help make the most delicious zucchini in Korean recipe for the winter with step-by-step photos and videos, listed below. With such instructions you will get zucchini fingers lick, which will be eaten by all guests and household members. Pickled marinades are ideal for serving with pasta, potatoes or porridges, meat dishes.

Spicy zucchini in Korean fast food - recipes with step-by-step photos and videos

Spicy zucchini in Korean - the most delicious recipe for winter

Use of Korean spices in cookingzucchini allows to give an unusual aroma and a special spicy taste to the workpiece. Make delicious courgettes in Korean fast food can be one of the recipes listed below.

Ingredients on the recipe of instant spicy zucchini in Korean

  • zucchini - 0,5 kg;

  • vinegar - 1 tablespoon;

  • garlic - 4 teeth;

  • dill - 3 branches;

  • salt - 2 teaspoons;

  • mixture of peppers with peas - 1 tbsp;

  • Korean seasoning, flakes of hot pepper - 1 tsp.

Recipe with a step-by-step photo of cooking zucchini in Korean with spicy spices

  1. Prepare the required ingredients. Clean garlic, wash zucchini, dill.Spicy zucchini in Korean - the most delicious recipe for winter

  2. Zucchini cut into small pieces.Spicy zucchini in Korean - the most delicious recipe for winter

  3. Prepare spices.Spicy zucchini in Korean - the most delicious recipe for winter

  4. Mix the vinegar, spices and about 0.5 liters of water. Boil the mixture for 5 minutes. Spread zucchini over sterilized jars and pour hot marinade. Roll and leave in an upside down position for 8 hours under the blanket. Spicy zucchini in Korean - the most delicious recipe for winter

Video recipe for quick cooking in Korean spicy zucchini

Use in cooking spicy zucchini you can and another no less interesting recipe. The following video details the steps of harvesting for the winter delicious zucchini with available spices.

How to cook zucchini in Korean for slices for winter - recipes with photo tips

Spicy zucchini in Korean - the most delicious recipe for winter

The combination of marinated in Korean zucchini andOnions allow you to vary daily food. They are perfectly combined with any side dishes, fried and boiled meat. Help to easily and simply cook zucchini in Korean recipes with the photos suggested below. From them you can get useful information about the rules of preparation of ingredients. The following recipe also describes how quickly to make marinade for zucchini and what additional ingredients will help to give the vegetable a special spice and sharpness.

List of ingredients by the recipe zucchini marinated chunks for the winter in Korean

  • zucchini - 2 pcs .;

  • sugar - 2 tsp;

  • salt - 1 tbsp;

  • vinegar - 2 tablespoons;

  • onion - 1 piece;

  • garlic - 6 teeth;

  • Korean seasoning - 1 tbsp.

Photo of a recipe for cooking zucchini slices for the winter in Korean

  1. Prepare the marinade. Mix the vinegar with 0.5 liters of water, sugar, salt and seasonings.Spicy zucchini in Korean - the most delicious recipe for winter

  2. Squash to wash and cut into small pieces.Spicy zucchini in Korean - the most delicious recipe for winter

  3. Tightly put the squash in sterilized jars.Spicy zucchini in Korean - the most delicious recipe for winter

  4. Add the chopped garlic to them. Top with coarse chopped onions. Pour everything with marinade and cover with lids. Carry out sterilization for 10 minutes, and then perform the roll-up of the cans.Spicy zucchini in Korean - the most delicious recipe for winter

  5. Ready to roll under the blanket for 8-10 hours.Spicy zucchini in Korean - the most delicious recipe for winter

The most delicious zucchini in Korean with pepper for the winter - prescription with step-by-step photos

Spicy zucchini in Korean - the most delicious recipe for winter

Well combined zucchini and other vegetables thatallows the housewives to pickle any ingredients in Korean. For example, as an unusual supplement, you can use Bulgarian pepper. It will perfectly complement the delicate zucchini and give the preparation an unusual taste. It will help to make such a zakatku for the winter delicious recipe zucchini in Korean, listed below.

List of ingredients for cooking for winter colds of the most delicious Korean zucchini with pepper

  • zucchini - 5 pcs .;

  • pepper of different colors - 3-4 pcs .;

  • seeds of celery, turmeric - 1 tsp;

  • salt - half a century;

  • sugar - 1/4 of the item;

  • vinegar - half a century;

  • Korean seasoning - 0.5 tbsp;

  • Mustard seeds - 0.5 tsp.

Step-by-step recipe for a zucchini winter salad with pepper in Korean

  1. Wash zucchini, cut vegetables off the tips and cut them in very small cubes.Spicy zucchini in Korean - the most delicious recipe for winter

  2. Peppers are washed, peeled of seeds and finely chopped.Spicy zucchini in Korean - the most delicious recipe for winter

  3. Mix the chopped vegetables and pour them with vinegar, add salt, sugar.Spicy zucchini in Korean - the most delicious recipe for winter

  4. Put mixture on the fire, bring to a boil, add Korean seasoning and other spices, languish for just 2-3 minutes.Spicy zucchini in Korean - the most delicious recipe for winter

  5. Ready zucchini and peppers to put in a clean jar and spend its sunset.Spicy zucchini in Korean - the most delicious recipe for winter

Original zucchini in Korean fingers lick for the winter - recipes with photos and videos

Spicy zucchini in Korean - the most delicious recipe for winter

Correctly selected spices during marinatingzucchini is half the success in cooking delicious sunsets. After all, they will affect the production of sufficient acid, the severity of vegetables. Use in work can be as ready-made Korean seasonings, and prepare them yourself. In the following recipe, we pickle the courgettes in Korean from prefabricated supplements.

Ingredients with a prescription for Korean zucchini fingers lick for winter

  • zucchini - 1 kg;

  • vinegar - 1/4 of the item;

  • salt - 2 tablespoons;

  • sugar - 1 teaspoon;

  • dry mustard - 1 tsp;

  • mustard seeds - 1 tsp;

  • onion - 1 piece;

  • turmeric - 1 tsp

Photo recipe marinating winter billet from courgettes in Korean fingers

  1. Prepare salt and sugar, mix mustard powder with mustard seeds.Spicy zucchini in Korean - the most delicious recipe for winter

  2. Wash zucchini and cut them into thin plates and thin rings.Spicy zucchini in Korean - the most delicious recipe for winter

  3. Slice the onions into thin semicircles.Spicy zucchini in Korean - the most delicious recipe for winter

  4. Pour zucchini with salt and sugar, mix thoroughly and leave for half an hour.Spicy zucchini in Korean - the most delicious recipe for winter

  5. Add the onion, vinegar to the zucchini, add 1 cup of boiling water.Spicy zucchini in Korean - the most delicious recipe for winter

  6. Separately dilute in 1 cup of hot water turmeric, a mixture of mustard.Spicy zucchini in Korean - the most delicious recipe for winter

  7. Transfer the prepared zucchini to the jars.Spicy zucchini in Korean - the most delicious recipe for winter

  8. Pour the courgettes marinade. Carry out sterilization for 15 minutes. Roll up the banks and wrapped, upside down hold for 10 hours.Spicy zucchini in Korean - the most delicious recipe for winter

Video recipe cooking for winter zucchini fingers lick in Korean

A recipe is also very interesting with the use of otherspices for marinating zucchini in Korean. The next video will tell you in detail about the peculiarities of making delicious and fragrant sunset for the winter.

How to cook zucchini thin slices in Korean style - step by step photo recipe

Spicy zucchini in Korean - the most delicious recipe for winter

To cut zucchini before cooking in Korean can beby any means, but the most popular option is to feed them with rings. Prepare zucchini in Korean kruzhochkami conveniently due to the ease of moving them to the jars. No less attractive is the preparation of zucchini in Korean rings and an unconventional kind of billet.

List of ingredients by recipe of Korean zucchini squash

  • zucchini - 1 kg;

  • onion - 1 piece;

  • vinegar - 0,5 items;

  • Mustard seeds - 1 tsp;

  • crushed red pepper - 0,5 tsp;

  • pepper peas - 1 p.

  • sugar - 1 teaspoon;

  • salt - 1 p.s.

Step-by-step photo recipe for pickling marrows in circles in Korean

  1. Cut the marrows into small curly or ordinary rings. Prepare a marinade from these ingredients and 1-2 glasses of water. Boil the marinade for 5 minutes.Spicy zucchini in Korean - the most delicious recipe for winter

  2. Arrange the chopped zucchini and half-rings of onion in clean jars. Pour them with a marinade, sterilize the cans for 10 minutes.Spicy zucchini in Korean - the most delicious recipe for winter

Delicious zucchini in Korean - fast recipes with photo and video tips

Spicy zucchini in Korean - the most delicious recipe for winter

Many mistresses use when cookingonly simple recipes that do not take a long time to prepare and process the ingredients. The following recipe describes in detail how to prepare quick zucchini in Korean using simple spices.

Ingredients according to the recipe of delicious courgettes cooked in Korean

  • zucchini - 4 pcs .;

  • soy sauce - 1/4 of the item;

  • vinegar - 1/4 of the item;

  • garlic - 2 teeth;

  • oil - 1 tsp

Photo of a recipe for quick cooking of Korean delicious zucchini

  1. Wash zucchini and cut off the tips of vegetables.Spicy zucchini in Korean - the most delicious recipe for winter

  2. Cut the courgettes into semi-rings.Spicy zucchini in Korean - the most delicious recipe for winter

  3. Drizzle with soy sauce, vinegar, salt to taste. Add butter and chopped garlic. All mix and leave for half an hour. Separately boil water.Spicy zucchini in Korean - the most delicious recipe for winter

  4. Dispense the prepared ingredients in cans and pour boiling water, hold the sunset. Mix the ingredients well in the jar. Leave it turned upside down for 6-8 hours.Spicy zucchini in Korean - the most delicious recipe for winter

Video tip on the recipe of a delicious zucchini marinated in Korean

Marinate zucchini is possible in another more complex way. But, despite the long preparation of the ingredients, the finished sunday will be no less spicy and tasty.

Unusual zucchini in Korean style marinated with vegetables - step by step video recipe

Spicy zucchini in Korean - the most delicious recipe for winter

In the following video recipe, you can find out howquickly and easily you can make a full salad of courgettes and other vegetables. This sunset is great for adding garnishes. Following the instructions below zucchini with Korean seasoning are prepared for a short time and allow the use of a roll for feeding to the table soon.

Step-by-step recipe with video example of marinating zucchini with vegetables in Korean

A detailed video recipe accurately describes the process of harvesting salad with courgettes in Korean for the winter. It will appeal to all fans of sharp and spicy sunsets.

Among the proposed photo and video recipes, you canget useful tips and advice on harvesting zucchini in Korean for winter cold. For example, they can be marinated with other vegetables or use only garlic, onions and greens as an additive. It will help to quickly prepare zucchini in a Korean recipe for the winter, which includes an easy marinade preparation. At the request of zucchini you can cut into cubes, pieces or rings, circles. Regardless of the method of slicing, the finished sunday will have a very unusual taste. You will like the hostesses and simple preparation of courgettes according to the prescription, you will lick your fingers: even with the most common spices, you can make a refined and fragrant sunset for your family and relatives.

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