Spa treatments at homeIt's hard to find a woman who can refusefrom relaxing spa treatments. Alas, beautiful ladies do not always have the time and money to visit the spa. But it is possible to enjoy the spa procedures at home. Today we will share with you tips, how to conduct spa treatments at home.

The country of the Soviets already wrote about the main typesspa treatments. Most of them can be done at home without any difficulties. For a spa at home, it's better to take a weekend, then you can fully relax and get the most benefit and pleasure, without being distracted by working and household chores.

Start a day dedicated to spa procedures at home, it's better with easy charging. Do not overexert yourself, exercises are neededin order to feel more cheerful. Half an hour after charging, a light breakfast. It is best to choose natural healthy products: fruits, vegetables, muesli, low-fat yoghurts, crackers without sugar. If the oil is olive, if the fish or meat is lean. Herbal teas, mineral water without gas, skimmed milk, fruit juices with low sugar content (for example, grapefruit) will suit herbs.

After breakfast, you can proceed directly to spa treatments. For spa procedures at home you will need cosmetic products: Sea bath salt, shower gel, scrub forbody, moisturizer, face mask, softener for cuticle. Many cosmetics manufacturers produce whole lines of spa products at home, but a body scrub and moisturizing face mask you can do on your own. Also for spa procedures at home you will need large terry towels, pumice and a natural washcloth.

For the spa procedures at home, the appropriate atmosphere is very important. So prepare the aroma lamp and setaromatic oils (best of all - citrus fruits), candles in beautiful candlesticks, discs with relaxing and meditative music or sounds of nature. If you want to take a bath with rose petals, stock up with them too. Candles with artificial flavors should be avoided; if you are not sure - take candles without a smell.

First take a shower and do a whole body peelingusing a scrub and a natural washcloth. Then, fill the bathroom with water, the most comfortable water temperature for spa treatments is 37 degrees. You can add sea salt or aroma oil to the water. Salt is better to take in the pharmacy, it should not have artificial flavors. Essential oils are poorly soluble in water, so before adding them to the bath, dilute them in milk or drip onto sea salt. Different essential oils differently affect our mood and health.

  • Orange oil helps to relieve fatigue and gives a sense of joy

  • butter mandarin reminds us of childhood and New Year holidays, gives a sense of happiness

  • lemon oil invigorates, refreshes and energizes

  • Grapefruit oil animates, helps to see joy in everyday trivia

  • lime oil helps to look at the world more optimistically

In addition to essential oils, you can add to the bathhalf a teaspoon of glycerin, it will moisturize the skin. In this water, you can not wash your hair - it overdoes it. Before you take a bath, you can put on your face a moisturizing or nourishing mask - this is another important component of the spa at home. Remember that the bathroom can not be taken longer than 15-20 minutes - it is harmful to the cardiovascular system and badly affects the condition of the skin, which begins to lose moisture.

After taking a spa bath at home, you can continue with a massage. The choice you have is great. It can be a relaxing foot massage, which will help to relieve fatigue, if before that you walked all week on heels. And you can make an anti-cellulite massage using a special gel. However, the massage mixture for spa procedures at home can be done independently, adding to the refined olive oil grapefruit essential oil. This mixture binds fats and is therefore good for fighting cellulite when performing spa procedures at home.

After the massage, you can begin to care for the face. Raspariv face over freshly chamomiletea, clean it with a gentle scrub. If you did not make a mask before taking a bath - now is the time for her. Then apply a moisturizer on your face. If you have swollen, swollen or swollen your eyes from frequent work at the computer, you can put on for ever slices of fresh cucumber or compresses from chamomile tea (but keep in mind that you can not wash your eyes with tea). Now you can proceed to the next stage of the spa at home - caring for your hands and feet.

For hand care make a bath with sea salt - it will helpsoften the cuticle. Then slide the cuticle with a wooden stick and apply a special emollient on it, and after five minutes you can remove it using a stick. Another element of the spa at home is mask for hands. Apply a nourishing cream (orpre-heated olive oil), put on cotton gloves, on top - cellophane (they are used for hair coloring). After 20 minutes, you can wash off the mask and apply a moisturizer.

To soften the skin of the feet, it is possible to add sugar in a basin with warm water(about a quarter of a glass) and a couple tablespoons of olive oil. After steaming your feet, massage your feet and put on cotton socks. Now, spa procedures at home can be considered complete.

And remember that a spa at home is not just a care forby means of cosmetics. Spa at home is primarily a way to relax and get away from everyday problems and worries. Turn off the phone and devote the day to yourself: listen to music, read an interesting book, which could not find time. And then a spa at home will help you to enter a new working week and be rested.

Spa treatments at home

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