How to help a child develop a habit of living communication
Ability to communicate beyond the Internet and gadgets -still remains an important social skill. Developed conversational skills help to share impressions with friends, answer teachers' questions, make reports, and defend their interests in discussions. Dr. Thomas Armstrong in the book "You Can Do More Than You Think" talks about nine kinds of intelligence, one of which is verbal. From this article you will learn how to help a teenager develop verbal intelligence, improve his ability to talk and believe in himself.
How useful is the verbal intelligence
It allows you to communicate verbally and in writing with differentpeople. He helps to learn well, because much of what the child does in school is associated with verbal intelligence: reading, writing, spelling, memorizing facts, oral reports before the class. Thanks to him, the child, getting into an unfamiliar situation or place, can quickly orient and get acquainted with interesting people.
Developed skill of live conversationwill be useful to the child in the future in the following professions: a copywriter in an advertising or marketing agency, a lawyer, a journalist, a lawyer, a politician, a lobbyist, a museum curator, a poet, a writer, a professional speaker, a public relations specialist, a radio or television announcer, a speechwriter, an interpreter.
Below are 8 ways how you can help your child develop the skills of live communication.
Read books aloud
You can start with the simplest. The more a person reads, the more he wants to express his thoughts. Let the child read aloud your favorite book or poems. This will help develop the vocabulary, clearly pronounce the words, beautiful and logical to build their thoughts. It is good if the child will train intonation.
Keep a diary
Sometimes it seems to the child that he does not have his ownthoughts. Invite him to keep a diary, where he can express his ideas on any occasion. Starting to write, he will understand that he has his own "voice" - something that makes his text and his most unique. You can write about everything - about the first thing that comes to mind. About skateboarding and big brother, mathematics or chocolate ice cream - it does not matter! You need to choose a topic and write five minutes without interruption. This process is called "free writing". Many writers use it to get the ball rolling.
Share stories
Make a tradition to tell each other stories regularly. Stories can be anything: cases from the life of the family, retelling fragments of books you like or invented stories.
Play the hat and the crocodile
Invite the child to play these games, which develop verbal intelligence and acting skills.
Piggy bank of interesting words and expressions
Let the child remember, or even better, recordfavorite anecdotes, riddles, puns, tongue twisters, poems, long and unusual words, quotes. And on occasion, it will be easy for him to share all this in conversation with friends, relatives and classmates. You can train yourself to invent your words, expressions, puns, poems and stories.
Book or discussion club
If possible, give the child to the bookshopor a discussion club. Here he will be able to discuss books with other participants. And debates are a great way to develop oratorical skills, logical thinking and learn how to collect information on a topic. They will help the child to expand his horizons, because the topic of discussion can be any - science, health, history, society or mother tongue. A book club can be organized at the school or library. And if you can not find it, you can organize your own - in the circle of friends or family.
Learn a foreign language
Learning languages is another way to develop verbal intelligence. Foreign languages can be studied at school or at special courses.
There is such an exercise to develop a skillpublic speeches - three words are chosen at random and it is necessary to make a coherent story based on them, starting with the first word and developing the idea, logically weave into the story the second and third. It is advisable that the story consist of 5-10 sentences.
More about verbal and other types of intelligence read in the book "You can do more than you think" from the publishing house "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber."