Massage for dysplasia
In our time, infants are oftensuch an ailment as dysplasia of the hip joints. This is the pathology of the joint, caused by its incorrect development, which can lead to dislocation of the hip. With such a disease, you can fight to the full recovery, and in this helps massage the hip joint. The main thing is to diagnose the pathology in time and start treatment. Massaging can be performed not only when diagnosed, but also as prevention.
The video "Massage of the hip joint" and simple exercises will help to avoid dysplasia.
If you notice that the child has asymmetricalskin folds (gluteal, inguinal, popliteal), limited hip reclining in the supine position or one leg is clearly shorter than the other, it is worthwhile to show the youngster to the doctor. Most often, the orthopedic doctor confirms or refutes the disease after examining the baby and fluoroscopy.
In many cases, experts recommendTo put on the child braces is the adaptation fixing legs in the diluted position for fixing of the sick joint. But an integral part of therapy are massages with dysplasia. They are conducted courses, doing certain breaks, strictly according to the prescribing physician. Many parents do this themselves, but it is better that such an event performed by a qualified masseur.
In any case, you should know that there are times when you should not do massaging. Contraindications to the performance of massage for hip dysplasia:
increased body temperature;
viral and infectious diseases:
skin diseases and lesions (rash, pustules, wounds);
Congenital heart disease (the procedure is possible only after consultation with a cardiologist);
uncontrollable and strangulated hernia.
Tips for conducting massage for dysplasiahip joint in newborns: - the masseur should have short cut nails, so as not to injure the baby, and carefully washed and warmed hands before the session; - the room must be warm and pre-ventilated; - The procedure should be performed on an empty stomach or 40 minutes after eating. Time to choose is better after sleeping in the morning, then the child is awake and has a fine mood; - Motions - blurred, smooth; the child should not experience pain.
If the action is committed by one of the parents, thenUse only trituration and stroking techniques, as well as neat leg rearing; - the main attention should be paid to the zone of the waist, buttocks, thighs and, directly, the hip joint. Massage with dysplasia will be even more effective if in front of him perform a warm application of paraffin and ozocerite on the hip joint.
Such therapy promotes warming up,relaxation of muscles, has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. You only need to monitor the temperature of the product, so as not to make a burn (it should be well warm, but not hot). Paraffin or ozocerite is melted in a water bath, allowed to freeze and cool slightly, wrapped in a bag and a diaper and applied to the necessary place. Please note, you can not perform applique during the hot season.
Massage for dysplasia of the hip jointschildren combine well with electrophoresis. This procedure should be performed in medical institutions under the supervision of a physiotherapist. If you decide to perform your own massage and gymnastics for dysplasia of the hip joints, the video will come in handy as a visual aid.
Here you will find a set of exercises and correcttechnique of their implementation. Remember, a timely diagnosis, the right approach to treatment, your patience, attention and boundless love for the baby, will help as soon as possible to get on the path of recovery and overcome the ailment.