Speech massage
Massage of the tongue belongs to one of the sectionsspeech therapy. It helps to increase the tone of the language in the child and normalize the work of the speech device: improve pronunciation, voice, reduce the symptoms of neurological disorders. The procedure is performed with the involvement of the muscles of the cheeks, tongue, lips and soft palate. For each patient a certain type of massage is selected depending on the existing disorders.
Logomassage will help to cope with such problems:
broken speech;
increased salivation;
hypertension of articulatory muscles;
insufficient muscle contraction;
impaired coordination of movements, hyperkinesis;
undeveloped arbitrary movements;
inelasticity of muscle fibers.
Below see the video of speech therapy massage
Children's massage for the tongue
The position of the child during the procedure is very important. The most optimal poses:
lying on his back. A flat pillow is placed under the head;
sitting in a chair with a slightly thrown head back on the headrest;
semi-sitting position in the chair;
a mother in her arms if the child is afraid.
The procedure should be carried out in a warm and cozyroom. It is necessary to create comfortable conditions for the child, so that it is easier for him to transfer the process from a psychological point of view. The hands of the massage therapist should be warm, with short nails, without skin diseases, as well as rings and other ornaments. Before the session, the oral cavity of the child should be cleaned of food residues.
Most often the course consists of 20 sessions. It is advisable to spend it every day. Then, with a break in one month, a re-therapy is prescribed. The required number of courses is determined by the severity of the deviations. The duration of one session is from 5 to 30 minutes. Before carrying out logomassage it is necessary to adjust the child to a positive way, to calm, to find an approach. For the first time, the time should be minimal (5 minutes).
Massage of the tongue at home
Despite the abundance of different teachingvideos on the Internet, before performing a massage for the child at home, you should consult a speech therapist beforehand. This procedure is carried out with the use of special probes for a special technique. If you use them carelessly, you can damage the baby's mouth. Most often for household use a conventional toothbrush is used. It is important to understand in detail the diagnosis of the child, in order to know what kind of massage he needs: relaxing or toning.
Video of speech therapy at home
Probe speech therapy language massage by Novikova
The famous speech therapist E. Novikova independently developed a unique kind of massage, during which the lips, cheekbones, soft palate and tongue are massaged. The process is carried out using eight probes. Massage is a simple enough, but very effective way of eliminating the problem of the functioning of the speech apparatus in the child. The technique is thought out in such a way that each probe processes certain affected parts, which helps to reanimate them.
Before the procedure, it is necessary to conduct a detailedexamination of the condition of the cheeks, lips, tongue and soft palate. Based on the findings, conclusions are drawn, and the degree of dysfunction is established. Further, the doctor is already in a position to report on the terms that will be needed to fully restore the functions. Despite the detailed instructions and explanations to the method, the specialist must have extensive knowledge and experience. Parents also require regular visits to the doctor and elementary discipline.
Probe massage of the tongue: