Effective lymphatic massage
Japanese lymphatic rejuvenating massage Zoganenjoys immense popularity not only in Japan, but all over the world. The creator of the technique is Yukuko Tanako, who described in detail the rules of massage in her book. Its system is successfully used by many famous cosmetologists. Today you will learn how to make self-massage at home.
Japanese massage for outflow of lymph "Zogan"
The process is divided into several stages.
Elimination of wrinkles on the forehead. Pressing, attach to the middle of the forehead three fingers of each hand: index, middle and nameless. Fix and count to three. Then rotate the palms 90 degrees into the lower region with a softer effort. Attach the fingers to the side parts of the head near the ears, and then lead them down to the clavicles in one motion, accelerating the outflow of lymph.
Elimination of the swelling of the eyelids. The exercise consists of two stages. First we process the upper eyelid. Place the middle fingers on the outer corners of the eyes and lightly move them to the inner corners. Now, through the bony lines of the eyes, draw a semicircle to the temples with a slightly stronger pressure. Hold on to the temples and, just touching the skin, draw on the lower eyelids to the inner corners of the eyes. Now go to the second stage. Return to the temples in a similar way along the lower bone with a stronger onslaught. Fix for three seconds and without pressure, slide your fingers to the lymphatic ear.
Smoothing wrinkles on the cheeks, near the lips andnasolabial folds. To the pits near the nasal wings, attach the pads of the fingers and make the movements in a semicircle four to five times (up and down). Without removing fingers from the face, move the middle and nameless to the bridge of the nose and massage the back of the nose lightly. Then dilute your fingers with an intense movement (as if accelerating the lymphatic outflow) to the lymph nodes near the ear of the goats.
Do each exercise at least three times, and the recovery of the lymphatic system is ensured! Video about the technique of Japanese facial massage from Yukuko Tanaka.
You can also watch one more video about Shiatsu face massage.
Lymphatic massage of the body
The lymphatic system is very importantpart of the body. Its normal functioning contributes to the preservation of strong immunity, the timely withdrawal of excess fluid and toxins. If a person has swollen limbs, a slow recovery from injuries and bruises, then perhaps the reason is in stasis of the lymphatic system.
Lymph foot massage helps not just fight offchronic fatigue and heaviness, but also with cellulite. Lymphatic massage should be performed only by a highly qualified specialist who has received the appropriate knowledge. The physician should understand the basics of the system from the physiological and anatomical side.
Only in this case he can disperseliquid in the right directions and do no harm to the patient. Massage is carried out with both strong enough strokes and soft and gentle strokes of the body. Pressures on the lymph nodes are the norm for this type of massage. If the patient has them increased, then, most likely, this is a sign of infectious inflammation in the body.
diseases of the lymphatic system;
ENT diseases;
fever, fever;
If there are restrictions, you must definitely refrain from carrying out the massage, so as not to provoke a deterioration in your health. Below are the training videos.
Lymphatic body massage: video
Spanish Face and Neck Lymphatic Massage