How to speed up the metabolismMost diets are built on the principle thatyou fundamentally change your diet and reduce the amount of calories consumed. This approach, unfortunately, gives only temporary results, because with the return to normal diet, the weight dropped is returned. And no one thinks that the problem is in the metabolism. And to lose weight, you need to speed up the metabolism. How to speed up the metabolism in the body, tell you the Land of Soviets.

Like everything else in the human body, the exchangesubstances can be changed. Already, scientists know that the metabolic rate is laid in a child at birth. Further on, the metabolic rate is influenced by the food and way of life. If you properly tune in to your metabolism, then problems with excess weight should never arise. And it is not necessary that people with slow metabolism should be complete. Just You must clearly understand how your body works and how much energy a day it takes to maintain a good shape.

remember, that excess weight is always a metabolic disorder. If you decide to restore metabolism, thendo not immediately sit on a strict diet. This is a wrong approach, because in this way you will only harm yourself. The metabolism is disturbed by changes in the work of the pituitary gland, adrenal glands, thyroid gland, gonads and general starvation, excessive or inadequate nutrition, stress. Also note that with age, human metabolism slows down. So, in women after 30 on average for half a year of life metabolism slows down by 2-3%. Therefore, first you need to determine the cause of changes in the metabolism of your body and take into account all factors, and only then you can think how to speed up the metabolism.

Acceleration of metabolism is a very long process, which will require you to comply with all rules. To start reconsider your daily diet. If you are dieting and trying in vainto lose excess pounds, with the acceleration of metabolism you will not succeed. The fact is that with a decrease in the number of calories received, the body slows down metabolism. What does this mean for you? You left the diet, returned to the previous number of calories consumed per day, and the metabolism remained slow. Naturally, all those kilograms that you lost, come back again.

The constant feeling of hunger adversely affects the metabolism, so do not torment yourself with a hunger strike, but eat. Just remember that you need to eat 5-6 times a day. On the one hand, you will not be hungry, and on the other hand, you will lose 10% of your energy after digesting food after each meal.

Notice, the body is arranged so that The more food you eat, the faster the metabolism. But here we must immediately take into account the fact that not everyfood contributes to the acceleration of metabolism. Today, people consume too much fat. Nature laid that a man so much fat is not required. Naturally, the fatty food that you eat, greatly slows down the metabolism.

What kind of food is there to speed up the metabolism? Pay attention to fresh vegetables and fruits. Vegetarians are known to have an accelerated metabolism, which means that it is influenced by various foods that contain a lot of fiber. Her body is difficult to absorb, which means that this process takes a lot of energy. Eat more tomatoes, fruits, dark green leafy vegetables, whole grains, grapefruits and legumes. Also do not forget about spices. They briefly accelerate the metabolism. Such spices include mustard, red pepper, ginger and cinnamon. In extreme cases, it is not worth it, because you can damage the stomach.

Another assistant in the process of accelerating metabolism is water. Drink a day for 2 liters of water. AND it is better to drink cold water, because the body will have to spend energy to keep warm. Of other drinks, it is very good to speed up the metabolism helps Green tea, black coffee and milk. By the way, milk does not accelerate and does not reduce metabolism, but only helps to transform fatty deposits in the body into energy. Please note that you must drink skim milk.

Physical stress is very important for the acceleration of metabolism. Do not exhaust yourself in the gym, andyou can do with simple walks or climb stairs. The organism does not care what exactly you will do, but the energy must go to maintain muscle, not fat. And the more in the body of muscle mass, the more energy it requires.

And the last thing you need to remember is notbe nervous. Stress has a negative effect on metabolism. So sit down, relax, calm down, and think about the good. Everything in life will improve, and your metabolism too!

How to speed up the metabolism
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