The Montignac Diet
The Montignac Diet - one of the most popular todaydiets, as it is not just aimed at losing excess weight, but also at normalizing the metabolism, which contributes to the stabilization of weight at its optimal mark. How to eat on the diet of Montignac, will tell the Country of Soviets.

The Montignac diet is not even exactly a diet in the usual sense. It's faster integrated power supply system, which helps to reduce weight byThe fact that the diet is made taking into account special recommendations for a long time. After the Montignac diet, a return to previous habits in the diet, as a rule, does not occur.

The basic principles of the Montignac diet - is the separate use of fats and carbohydrates,as well as limiting the consumption of carbohydrates. Especially stringent, according to the Montignac diet, there should be restrictions on the consumption of sugar, sweet flour products, sweets, chocolate, corn, potatoes, peeled rice and other sources of "negative" carbohydrates.

According to the requirements of the Montignac diet, should completely abandon the use of alcohol, to exclude from the diet mayonnaise, ketchup,mustard - these flavorings do not have nutritional value, but they can be quite high in calories. Caution should be given to the use of tea and coffee, preference should be given to fruit juices without sugar.

On the day, the Montignac Diet prescribes drink at least 2 liters of water (however, this requirement is met practicallyin all diets). For one meal, fatty and carbohydrate-rich foods should not be eaten together: at least 3 hours should be taken between fat and carbohydrate meals. Take food 3 times a day. If there are objective reasons, you can eat more often.

The Montignac diet has its advantages and disadvantages. The benefits of the Montignac diet should be attributedrelative ease of its compliance: the slimming ones have a fairly large selection of allowed foods and dishes. Also, the undoubted advantage of the Montignac diet is its duration, because this diet lasts 2 months, and therefore, slimming occurs gradually, without harm to the body. In addition, the Montignac diet, unlike many other diets, does not require any restrictions in the use of salt.

Among the shortcomings of the Montignac diet can be identified it some imbalance. For a sufficiently long period of the dietthe body can not receive the necessary vitamins and minerals. In this case, an additional intake of vitamin-mineral complexes will help to balance the diet.

Some other disadvantages of the Montignac diet are more to reduce the psychological comfort of losing weight: far from everyone can refuse completely from the sweet, and men may be unhappy with the ban on alcohol. Another disadvantage of the diet is a rather long period of time before a permissible repeated course.

The Montignac Diet Helps reset to 20 kg in 2 months. The approximate menu of the Montignac diet for the day can be as follows:

  • breakfast (immediately after sleep): juice of one grapefruit, lemon or orange and 2 kiwis or 1 kiwi and 1 pear;

  • breakfast (main): 2 low-fat yogurt, muesli, 1 cup decaffeinated coffee / 1 whole-wheat bread, unsweetened jam, 1 cup of skimmed milk;

  • lunch: a small portion of mushrooms, vegetables, salmon, cheese / salad, steak, cheese, broccoli;

  • dinner: chicken, stewed vegetables, salad, fat-free yogurt / vegetable soup, a portion of pasta from wholemeal with mushrooms, yogurt skim.

In the Montignac diet, the size of a portion of fish or meat is 150 grams, portions of bread - 60 grams, portions of pasta - 50 grams, and portions of cheese - 30 g. As a snack, you can eat an apple.

The Montignac Diet is considered safe, but before the beginning of this diet, as well as any other, nevertheless consultation of the doctor is nevertheless necessary. Lose weight on health!

The Montignac Diet
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