Proper nutrition for weight loss and good health
Excess weight is the No. 1 problem for many women. What we just do not do is exhaust ourselves with a hunger strike, refuse our favorite sweets, exhaust ourselves with aerobics and fitness, eat and drink all "fat-burning" stuff, and as a result, the extra pounds do not go anywhere. And then it is worth thinking about: what am I doing wrong?
Nutrition for weight loss
First of all, diet for weight loss shouldbe healthy and diverse. Only in this case the body will receive a sufficient number of necessary vitamins and nutrients. Give preference to vegetables and fruits, remove from the diet harmful products such as ketchup and mayonnaise, stop eating hot dogs, chips and hamburgers. Eat more often, but in small portions - 250-350 grams at a time. Try to eat less sweet and flour, limit the use of alcoholic beverages. Of course, immediately to give up everything is difficult, but, believe me, it's worth it. To ensure that the correct diet for losing weight was given to you easier, gradually remove the product from the ration: today do not eat the cake, tomorrow say "no" cheburek, and in three days you can easily resist the fried chicken. For better control, write down the amount of calories and calories lost in the notebook.
Principles of proper nutrition
Fundamentals of proper nutrition:
Do not try to swallow all the contents of the refrigerator at the same time, distribute food for 5-6 meals;
the diet should be rich in vitamins and nutrients, the basis of nutrition - legumes, cereals, vegetables and fruits;
Eat five or six times a day and do not skip a single meal;
drink a glass of water 30 minutes before eating, the daily norm of drinking water should be at least 1.5 liters;
after 20:00 no food;
your psychological attitude is important. The whole process of losing weight is, first of all, stress for the body, so tune in positively and believe: everything will happen.
The menu of the right diet
Prepare useful food without fat and withthe least amount of salt to 6 g per day. The main thing in a daily diet to combine different groups of products and adhere to the rule: a hearty breakfast, light supper.
Sample menu for one day:
breakfast - boiled eggs, fat-free cottage cheese and tea without sugar;
lunch - yoghurt, apple;
dinner - soup with vegetables, boiled chicken breast, fruit, juice;
snack - fruit, a glass of mint tea;
dinner - baked fish with stewed vegetables, a glass of water with lemon.
Menu with examples and recipes for various dishesoffers us the Internet, so that the difficulties with cooking you will not. Correct food for a week, alas, does not show the desired results, so have patience.
Readers' comments speak for themselves: healthy and proper nutrition helps to fight excess weight, and most importantly - the lost pounds do not return back. Over time, the body develops a habit of lost food, which remains for life. You just need to pull yourself together and set a goal. You can eat everything, only you need to monitor the quantity and quality of the food you eat and change your habits and style of eating a little. Develop self-control skills and everything will turn out.