What does the signature of a person say?
How many times have we faced in our entire life withsignatures of different people. Beautiful, careless, funny, original ... Have you ever wondered why the signature is different? What is the nature of the signature holder? The country of the Soviets will tell, about what the signature of a person says.

Each person develops his own handwritingletters. When a person writes, he thinks about spelling, about the evenness of lines, obeying certain rules. Therefore, it is not always possible to read his true "I" correctly and accurately. But the signature does not restrain the person in fantasy, the author of the signature is not limited by any laws and rules. But in his graphic arts he is subject to certain regularities, which involuntarily reflect the essence of his nature, which makes it possible to describe the psychological portrait of the author of the signature rather accurately.

So, let's get started. We look at the person's signature and analyze.

Signature direction

Pay attention to where the end of the signature is directed - up, straight or down. If up - this indicates that the person is full of energy and strength, in his character, optimism prevails. The author of such a signature copes quite easily with problems and disappointments.
Straight Direction The signature indicates a balance of optimism and pessimism in the character.
If the end of the signature is directed down - a person is subject to a pessimistic state and depression. These people have weakness of will, a tendency to cardiovascular and nervous diseases.

Length of signature

Long signature man is inherent in thorough people, unhurried, accustomed to delve deeply into the matter. Such people are usually stubborn, persistent, even boring and picky.
Short signature people with a quick reaction, which sometimesenough patience for a deep and detailed analysis of cases. Such a person does not like sluggish people, he himself is not capable of monotonous and monotonous work, which requires constant attention.
It must be kept in mind that some people are forcedto put a short signature. They are people of those professions who are forced to sign very often - cashiers, doctors, etc. They have to put a short signature in order to save time or space on paper. Therefore, their signature should be considered for analysis.

The value of letters (capital and small)

If the value of capital letters very different in size from small, it can be said that the author of such a capricious and capricious attitude to others.
If the letters in the signature are practically one size, then the owner of such a signature has no claims to life and is modest.
At all small letters talk about a specific and rational person, able to concentrate, but very small letters indicate the stinginess, pettiness and selfishness of the owner.

Large letters, almost childish, characterize the author in terms of naivety and kindness, as a trusting and impractical person. But at the same time such a person seeks freedom of activity and independence.

Roundness and sharpness of letters

Round letters are drawn in a signature by soft, calm and kind people. Angular letters, on the contrary, testify to the aggressive nature, independent and obstinate, speak of a propensity for ambition and leadership.

Sometimes in the signature you can see this nuance: at the beginning of the letters rounded, and then angular. The analysis of such a signature indicates that the person at the beginning of communication shows himself mild, and then his aggressive features are manifested.

Connectedness and severity of letters

If the signature all letters are linked together, this indicates the consistency and logic inherent in the brain activity of this person. He is conservative in his views and is difficult to perceive something new.

When the signature is observed moderate number of gaps between the letters, this indicates that the owner of such a signature is able to combine the desired and the actual.
Continuous breaks between the letters in the signature characterize the author as a man unpredictable, loving to impress others and attract attention.
The confidence and insecurity of writing letters speaks for itself.

Different decorations in the signature

The more will be in the signature various ornaments, ribbons, curls - the more in this man is superficial and insincere. But sometimes an embossed signature can also be found in people of creative professions, with a rich imagination and imagination.
A simple signature the person speaks about modesty and simplicity of the author.
At persons with a logical warehouse of mind, at physicists and mathematicians, in the signature Some parts of the letters may "disappear", which indicates the concreteness of thinking. But if there is a discrepancy between the letters in such a signature, then this is a clear sign of fussiness and short-sightedness of thinking.


Sweeping signature strategists who think globally. Such signatures can be seen among major managers of enterprises or companies.
Fine signature have tactic people whose brain is engaged in a specific and specific type of activity.

Pressure strength when writing letters

Fat Lined Lines talk about the good physical strength of the signature holder. Usually these people are extroverts - they are sociable, energetic, directed towards the outside world.
Subtle signature a man whose lines go into the thickness of the hair, indicates a gentle nature. These people find it difficult to engage in social activities, they are directed to their inner world.

If the thickness of the signature is uneven and weak, then the author of the signature also has a doubting character, such people are insecure, constantly hesitate in the decision, tend to "eat".

Normal, even pressure belongs to people who are self-confident, balanced, used to make deliberate decisions.

Underlining in the signature, "tails", strikethroughs

Certainly there will also be such signatures that underline by the author from below. Such people are very insecure, they are self-centered and depend on the opinions of others.
If a person's signature is covered with a line from the top, this indicates that its owner is proud of himself, is vain and strives for great achievements.
Great interest is in itself "Tail" at the end of the signature. The longer the tail, the more impatient the subscriber to the comments in his address, to various orders, etc. Such a person is very cautious and circumspect.

If the person crosses out his signature, he is unhappy with himself, he is too self-critical and nervous. He always hesitates and doubts.

The point in the signature

The point in the signature Is a positive sign. Her presence testifies to discipline and the desire to complete all cases. Dot at the end signatures - diligence, at the beginning - a good and thoughtful preparation for the beginning of any business.

Loading in the signature

Than more loaded signature and the more it is complex, the more problems for itself creates its owner. About these people they say: "He makes an elephant out of a fly".
And, of course, the simpler the signature, the easier a person relates to problems. Simple and simple people can write their surname instead of a signature. And the more difficulties are introduced in the signature, the more complex the nature of the author.

Slope of letters

Direct spelling letters indicates a restrained, consistent, stubborn character of a man who owns self-control. In this case, there is a dominant influence of the mind.

Frequently encountered right-qualified signature man speaks of the ability to understand and compromise. But almost letters on the right side "shout" about some pathological phenomenon.
Left-handed signature the person shows the inconsistency of personal natural inclinations and inclinations with the external conditions of education. There are inherent stubbornness, and exactingness, and secrecy, and sometimes insincerity.

It is more difficult when the slope of letters in one signature diverse. Such people are capricious, impetuous, unstable, scattered in purpose. With these people it is better to be more careful in general affairs and in relationships.

Different types of signatures for the same person

For example, the same person subscribes then gently, then carelessly. This indicates that a personrefers selectively to others. For those who are of interest to him, he will try to show his best, and vice versa. Who is not interested in him, he will treat these people carelessly.

Changing the signature over time

As The signature of a person is a reflection of his inner world, it is natural that over time it changes asand the person himself (age leaves its imprint on the character, views on problems, etc.). The signature can change and in connection with a woman's marriage, can reflect any emotional changes in his personal life. In a word, if a person improves and develops - the signature indicates this. And if a person degrades - the signature also degrades.

The signature of a person can tell a lot about histhe owner. Graphological analysis, as a method of psychodiagnostics of personality, will help you to know a person a little more, will allow you to determine his life values ​​and landmarks. It will be much easier for you to communicate with a person from whom you will know what to expect.
Good luck in the experiments!

What does the signature of a person say?
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