Positive thinkingHow many times have we told ourselves: "I can not", "I will not be able to", "I can not do it." And really - did not work, because the mood was initially negative. Positive thinking can help stop "winding up" and gain self-confidence.

It is, of course, possible to argue long about whether thoughts and words are material, but the fact remains: often The negative attitude prevents us from succeeding, because we pre-program ourselves to failure. And positive thinking, on the contrary, allows you to "program yourself" to succeed. Remember, as in the children's poem: "I will, I can, I'll run faster!".

Unfortunately, not all of us are used to thinking positively. But positive thinking can and should be developed. How to learn to choose positive language and adjust yourself to success? We offer several tips.

Stop generalizing

"Nobody likes me", "I will never be able to findgood work ", and even" All men are goats "(as an option:" All women are stinkers "). Probably, each of us at least once said such a phrase - and was wrong. Generalizations are almost not true - from each rule there is always an exception.

Positive thinking does not tolerate negative generalizations. Try to exclude from your vocabularythe words "no one", "never", "always", "everything". As soon as you once again on your mind will come the phrase from the series "I do not need anyone", chase it vzashey. For this, remember at least one person to whom you care. He certainly will, and not even one!

Forget the particle "not"

In general, the phrases with "not" undermine our positive thinking. We convince ourselves that we can not do something, that we will not succeed. We ourselves pound ourselves into limits, limiting our possibilities. therefore From negative statements it is necessary to get rid of the same as from generalizations.

The founder of gestalt therapy, Fritz Perls, for example, proposed replace the phrase "I can not" with "I do not want": instead of shifting the blame onexternal circumstances, we sign that we just do not want to change anything. In fact, this is a provocation, but often it helps put everything in its place.

It is necessary to get rid of negations in other situations. Say, instead of saying to the person "Do not be ill," it is better to wish him a speedy recovery. Sometimes our brain "misses" a particle of "not" and concentrates on the verb, so that the desire not to become ill becomes a call to continue to hurt.

Problem? No problem!

We often we call a problem a situation which in fact is not. We talk: "I have a problem at work / at home / with a child / husband", although in fact it is not a problem, but a minor trouble. It turns out that our life consists of continuous problems of varying degrees of seriousness. Positive thinking also consists in the fact that we do not make an elephant out of a fly and do not call problems what they are not.

But positive thinking is not only getting rid of negative statements, but also fill the formed emptiness with positive statements. When formulating phrases, we should avoid prefixes and particles of "not" and words that carry a negative meaning.

By the way, A negative meaning can also be veiled. For example, you say to an impatient friend: "Rather, recover, you need us healthy!". And it turns out that you do not need him. Well, where in this phrase is positive? So such formulations should be avoided.

To develop positive thinking will help affirmations - short statements of positive content. They need to be repeated daily several times, adjusting themselves to the successful achievement of their own goals.

But remember, positive thinking is not pink glasses. Even thinking positively, first of all, to remain a realist. Persistently programming yourself for positive, we oftenwe forget that in reality we are not all-powerful. In addition, positive thinking should not replace real actions - it only helps them.

Positive thinking is a good way to change your life for the better, but only if, if it is supported by concrete actions.

Positive thinking
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