How to force yourself to work?Probably, each of us at least once in my life had a non-working mood in the morning, when I do not want to do anything. However, tasks for the day must be fulfilled, but the work itself will not be done. How to make yourself work, if you do not want to, but do you need?

The reasons for the unwillingness to work can, of course, be different, but The most common reason is fatigue. Especially often it "rolls" in winter, whenlight day is short, everything is gray outside the window, and the body lacks vitamins. It's hard to force yourself to work after holidays or holidays - you can not get into the working rhythm. So how do you get yourself to work, despite the weather outside the window?

Often our problem is that we are going to work in a state of "raise - raised, and woke up forgotten". We gather, half-closed eyes and bumping into furniture, we peck at the nose in the transport, and in the workplace we can not come to our senses without a cup of coffee. As a result, the beginning of the working day is delayed, and it becomes difficult to get involved in the work.

In this case, it is worth come up with a morning "ritual of awakening". For someone it can be a shower with citrusgel. Or a morning cup of coffee "take-away" on the way to work. If the weather and time allow, in the morning you can take a walk, for example, take a bus not near your house, but walk one or two stops. In general, any little thing that will help you wake up and get a good mood for the whole day.

Many help to tune in to the working mood of music. First, it isolates you from externaldistractions. Secondly, the music as if "fills" the head, leaving no room for extraneous thoughts. Finally, the favorite composition raises the mood, and the rhythm of music sets the pace of work. But listening to music, of course, you need in your headphones, so as not to interfere with colleagues. If the music acts on the contrary, knocking you down, try instead the sounds of nature.

To some helps to force yourself to work and negative motivation. For example, sports anger: the desire to be the first, the best, to bypass competitors. But it's better if it's competitors from another firm, not your own colleagues. With them you are on the same side, do not spoil relations just for the sake of working motivation. The fear of dismissal may also spur on, especially during the crisis: many people have no place to work, so with prolonged inaction your place may well be occupied by someone else.

You can also try make yourself a motivational poster and hang it over the monitor or in any othera place where you constantly will stumble upon it with a look. It can be any inspiring picture or phrase. You can hang a photo of the place you want to visit for a long time. Then helping you to work will be the realization that you are working for a reason, your goal is to earn money for the trip of your dream.

At all, thoughts of encouragement can be a good motivation (if only encouragement will really follow). As an incentive may be bonuses from the employer for good work. If you do not get bonuses from your employer, make up your own incentives. Of course, material bonuses should not be abused, otherwise you will have all the salary for motivation, but thoughts about a fragrant foam bath after a hard working day can be a good incentive.

Sometimes you can not get yourself to work because you do not know what to grab for. In this case try to plan things for the day (in advance from the evening or in the morning, coming to work,for that same morning cup of coffee). It is usually advisable to perform the most important tasks first of all, so that they are guaranteed to be made and do not hang with a "heavy load" all day. In addition, in the second half of the day, care and efficiency usually deteriorate, so it's better to leave things simple for this time.

A at the end of the day be sure to sum up and make a list of what you managed to doper day. Recognizing your own success is a good incentive, and the next day you will want to get a job, knowing that "there is still powder in the flasks", that you can achieve a lot if you make some effort. Of course, do not overestimate your achievements, but success inspires. Do not be afraid to praise yourself for your own successes - sometimes it takes a long time to wait until someone else praises you. Let the achievement seem quite insignificant, but it still says that you are not in vain.

Finally, when thinking about how to get yourself to work, never use the word "force." Think in a positive way, and not in a negative, because the negative attitude only reduces the desire to work.

How to force yourself to work?
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