Ear from salmon
There is an opinion that salmon is a very expensive product. Of course, salmon fillet is not cheap. Nevertheless, the salmon soup is prepared both on the basis of fillets, and from more affordable soup kits. Ear from salmon - hearty and delicious soup.
Ear from salmon (from soup set)
To prepare soup from salmon you will need:

head or tail of salmon - 600 g
potatoes - 250 g
onion - 100 g
carrots - 100 g
refined vegetable oil - 40 g
salt, pepper, spices - to taste
Rinse the fish, pour cold water and putFire. As soon as the water boils, turn down the fire to a minimum - the more the ear bubbles, the more turbid it will be. Periodically remove the foam. After half an hour, add the diced potatoes and vegetable oil. After another 10 minutes, add finely chopped onions and carrots and salt the ear. The soup will be ready when the potatoes become soft.
As spices you can use groundblack pepper, sweet pepper, peas, ginger root, rosemary, dried, frozen or fresh herbs, bay leaf or parsnip. Peppercorns, parsnips and ginger root are added to the ear as soon as it boils, the remaining spices - along with onions and carrots, and the greens and garlic - just before the readiness.
Before serving, remove from the soup the head or tail of the fish and serve separately. The recipe is for 4 liters of ears.
Fish soup of salmon

Ingredients for soup from salmon fillet:
frozen fillet of salmon - 800 g
potatoes - 1 kg
onions - 600 g
carrots - 300 g
tomato paste - 150 g
vegetable oil for roasting
salt, parsley - to taste
Defrost the fillet of salmon. Slice the potatoes with straws and put them in a saucepan of boiling water along with the fillets. Cook the soup over medium heat for half an hour. At this time, cut the onions (preferably rings) and carrots, fry the onions in a pan, then add there carrots and tomato paste. Add the vegetables with the paste in the ear, mix and serve to the table, pre-sprinkled with finely chopped parsley.
Finnish soup with salmon and cream
To prepare Finnish soup from salmon with cream you will need the following ingredients:
salmon fillet - 300 g
onion - 100 g
potatoes - 600 g
milk or cream - 400 g
flour - 20 g
water - 1 l
green onions or other herbs - 10 g
salt - to taste
Put the pan of water on the fire. While the water boils, peel and cut the potatoes into large cubes, and the onion - half rings. When the water boils, add salt and put onions and potatoes in a pan. As soon as the vegetables boil, cover the pan with a lid and cook over low heat for 10 minutes. At this time, cut large pieces of salmon fillets, add to the vegetables and cook for another 10 minutes. Milk or cream whip with flour with a corolla, pour into a pot of soup, bring to a boil and immediately remove the soup from the fire. Sprinkle your ear with greens before serving.
Bon Appetit!