Homemade mulled wineHomemade mulled wine - a very tasty and healthy drink. He will warm you in the winter cold, help fight infections and give the New Year mood. The recipe for homemade mulled wine, and not alone, offers its readers the Land of Soviets.

Home made mulled wine is made from dry or semi-dry wine (preferably red or pink) and spices. You can optionally add other ingredients to the mulled wine. Before you cook mulled wine at home, you need to learn how to properly cook mulled wine, otherwise you risk ruining the drink.

Classic mulled wine

To begin with, you should learn how to make homemade mulled wine according to a classic recipe, and then you can try to experiment. For the preparation of classic mulled wine, we take:

  • 750 ml of red dry wine

  • 1/3 tbsp. water

  • 1 tbsp. Sahara

  • 6-7 buds of a carnation

  • nutmeg - to taste

Carnation and nutmeg we put in a smallsaucepan or turka, pour water, bring to a boil and cook for a minute, so that spices give their essential oils to the water. Let the broth brew for 10-15 minutes.

Wine is poured into a saucepan and put on fire. When it is slightly warm, pour water into it with spices and put sugar. We cook mulled wine, stirring. As soon as the white foam disappears from the surface of the drink, we remove the pan from the fire.

We pour the mulled wine over the cups and serve it. If there remains an "extra" mulled wine, it can not be left in a saucepan: it is better to pour the drink into a heated ceramic kettle.

White mulled wine

Usually mulled wine is made from red or rose wine, but you can make an original homemade mulled wine and white wine. For this we need such ingredients:

  • 750 ml of white dry wine

  • 125 ml of water

  • 100 g of sugar

  • 1 lemon or orange

  • clove and cinnamon - to taste

Orange or my lemon and cut into smallslices. We put citrus slices, sugar, cinnamon and cloves in a saucepan. Add water, put on the fire and bring to a boil. We boil a couple of minutes, turn off the fire and give a little insist. Infusion filter, add wine, heat (but do not boil) and pour hot mulled wine on the glasses.

Mulberry wine Mokko

If you add coffee to home mulled wine, you will get a very original drink with an unusual taste, invigorating and warming. For its preparation we take:

  • 750 ml red wine

  • 300 ml strong coffee

  • 150 ml of cognac

  • 150 g of sugar

First, cook two cups of natural coffee. You can, of course, make coffee in a coffee maker, but it's better to make coffee in a Turk by all the rules. We remember that coffee, like mulled wine, can not be brought to a boil. Mix in a saucepan wine, coffee, cognac and sugar, warmed to a temperature of 70-80 ° C, stirring to dissolve the sugar. We serve mulled wine hot.

Mulled wine with rum

In house mulled wine other than wine, you can add other spirits, such as cognac or rum. We offer you a mulled wine recipe with rum. The ingredients are as follows:

  • 100 ml of red wine

  • 40 ml of light rum

  • 3-5 slices of refined sugar

  • 2 buds of a carnation

  • a little lemon zest

Pour the wine into a saucepan, add sugar, cloves and zest, warm up. We pour rum into a glass for mulled wine and pour it with hot strained wine with spices.

Home mulled wine is best served in highGlass glasses with a handle (so-called glasses for Irish coffee). Due to the fact that the glass is high, the drink will be warm longer, and the clear glass will help to enjoy the color of mulled wine. Before submission, you can serve mulled wine with cinnamon sticks and a slice of citrus (or twist of citrus peel).

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