Plum jam
Plum jam absorbed the warmth of the sun's rays, the generosity of the summer rain ... To prepare plum jam for the winter is not difficult, besides all the useful vitamins and trace elements are perfectly preserved in such jam.

For the preparation of plum jam followsselect whole undamaged fruit. If the bones are badly separated from the pulp, you can cook plum jam from whole plums, if it is easy to remove the stones, then it is better to cook plum jam without pits - it is convenient to immediately use it for filling pies or serve for dessert.

Plum jam from whole plums

For the preparation of plum jam from whole plums you will need:

  • plums - 1 kg

  • sugar - 1,3-1,4 kg

  • water 400 g


The selected plum fruits are placed in a colander and blanched in water at 85 ° C for 3-5 minutes. Then dip plums into cold water.

Pour the plums to avoid cracking and pour hot, at a temperature of 75-80 ° C, sugar syrup at the rate of 600 grams of sugar and 400 g of water per kilogram of sink.

Withstand plums in syrup for 8 hours. The remaining sugar after the syrup preparation is divided into 4 parts.

Cook the jam in 4 meals 5-7 minutes after boiling with interruptions of 8 hours. For each meal add 1 part sugar.

After the last cooking, the ready-made plum jam is packed in cans, rolled up.

For the preparation of plum jam from plums without pits, it is necessary to clean the plums before pits. Then proceed according to the prescription, reducing the number of receptions to 3.

Bon Appetit!

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