Jam-assortedYou can not surprise anyone with jam from one kind of fruit or berries: these are proven and habitual recipes. But sometimes I want diversity! In this case, you can weld jam-assorted with an unexpected and original taste, combining different berries and fruits in one jam.

The main subtlety when cooking jam-assorted is sequence and duration of cooking fruits and berries. The more tender the berry (the fruit), the later it is put and the less it is brewed, otherwise it will boil. Perhaps the taste of this and not be affected, but the appearance - yes (this is important if you want to cook jam-assorted with whole berries).

Jam-assorted "Rainbow"

Although this jam does not include fruits of all colors of the rainbow, but its name is justified: we will need to make such jam-assortment exactly seven ingredients, namely:

  • sugar - 1 kg

  • plum - 500 g

  • grapes without pits - 200 g

  • apples - 2 pcs.

  • pears - 2 pcs.

  • lemon - 1 pc.

  • orange - 1 pc.

All fruits are carefully washed. We remove the core from apples and pears. We cut pears with thin plates, pour steep boiling water and bring to a boil. We merge the broth from the pears, pour sugar into it and once again bring it to a boil to get the sugar syrup.

From the plums we remove the bones, cut applespieces, a brush of the grape assorted for berries. We put plums, grapes, apples and pears in sugar syrup. We put on fire, bring to a boil and cook on low heat.

Orange and lemon cut into thin circles. From each circle you need to get bones, but you do not have to remove the peel - it will add extra piquancy to the jam. Fill the citrus with water, bring to a boil, then take it out and add it to the jam.

Cook the jam until ready (until the fruit becomes transparent). We put the prepared jam on the jars.

Jam-assorted "Berry"

This jam-assortment is made from berries, which are found in every garden. For its preparation we will need:

  • sugar - 2 kg

  • water 400 ml

  • black currant - 500 g

  • strawberries - 500 g

  • raspberry - 500 g

  • cherry - 500 g

Berries are my and sorted, if necessary, remove the peduncles, and from the cherry must get bones. Cook the syrup from sugar and water, bring to a boil and put cherry syrup in the boiling syrup.

Bring the syrup with cherries to a boil and cook for 20 minutes. Then add strawberries and cook for another 15 minutes. Lastly, we put black currant and raspberries and cook for 10 minutes.

Ready jam in a hot form is packaged on cooked jars, cork and stand under a blanket, until it cools.

Jam-assorted with apricots

This jam-assortment is easy to prepare, because the order of cooking ingredients is not important: fruits and berries are mixed in puree and cooked "all in one go." To make this jam, we'll take:

  • sugar - 2.5 kg

  • cherry - 2 kg

  • apples - 2 kg

  • apricots - 2 kg

All fruits are carefully washed. From apricots and cherries we take out stones, and we peel apples from seeds.

Of fruit and sugar, you need to make a mashed potatoes. To do this, you can use a grinder with a large grate or a submerged blender. If you use a blender, sugar is best added in portions so that it mixes well with the fruit.

After mixing the fruit sauce with sugar, we put it onstrong fire and cook until boiling, stirring constantly. When the jam is boiling, remove the foam and reduce the fire to medium. Cook until ready (about 60-80 minutes), not forgetting to stir. Ready jam is packed in cans.

If the cherries, apricots and apples are too sweet, and you are afraid that the jam will turn out sugary, you can add a half of lemon, scrolled through a meat grinder, into a fruit puree.

Do you have any proven recipes for jam-assorted?

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