Marinade for shish kebab

Initially, the proud name "shish kebab" boreonly one dish - finely chopped lamb marinated with special spices, and fried in a brazier on skewers. But over time, shish kebab began to be called any meat, including poultry, as well as fish, seafood and even vegetables, which, after pickling, were cooked on open fire. Consequently, one of the main components that provides a characteristic taste for this dish, the marinade for shish kebab, has also undergone changes. For example, it was found that the specific smell of mutton for a shish kebab best removes marinade based on onion and lemon. And the most delicious and juicy chicken shish kebab is obtained with marinade from soy sauce or kefir. Pork with the same success can be marinated as with onions and spices, and according to the Armenian recipe, with vinegar, mayonnaise or even a marinade based on kiwi. It turns out that the number of marinade recipes for shish kebab has grown many times, and which of them to choose for pork, chicken, lamb, beef, turkey is understandable by far not all. Therefore, on the eve of the opening of the "season of shish kebabs" we offer you the best recipes for marinades that you can use for different types of meat and be sure that the shish kebab will turn out to be excellent!

The best marinade for shish kebab from pork - a recipe with a photo step by step

Pork is most often used forcooking shish kebab for "May holidays." Not surprisingly, the search sites on the web are full of requests by the type "the best marinade for shish kebab from pork step by step." Our first step-by-step recipe with a photo ideally fits the definition of "the best marinade for shish kebab from pork" by several criteria. Firstly, it is very simple to prepare. And secondly, the meat thanks to this marinade is really juicy, fragrant and delicate.

Necessary ingredients for a recipe for the best marinade for pork shish kebab

  • pork - 1 kg

  • large onions - 2-3 pcs.

  • a large salt - 1 tsp.

  • paprika - 1 tsp.

  • thyme - 1/2 tsp.

  • oregano - 1/2 tsp.

  • water - 1/2 cup

  • half a pomegranate

Step-by-step instruction for a recipe for the best marinade for shish kebab from pork

  1. Pork wash and lightly dry on a towel. For a shish kebab it is best to take a neck - tender meat with a lot of thin fat layers will make the ready dish juicy and literally melting in the mouth. Cut the pork into small cubes of 2.5-3 cm.

  2. We spread the prepared meat into a convenient non-shallow container and pour salt over it. Let's start pickling with a teaspoon of salt, and then, focusing on the taste preferences, we can add more salt.

  3. After mixing the salted meat, add to it a sweet paprika. Also start with a teaspoon of this spice, and then, if necessary, we can add a little more.

  4. Mix again and immediately add dry thyme and oregano.

  5. Stirring and bowl we set aside to dopreparation of onions. We peel the bulbs from the peel and cut them into thin slices. It is not necessary to pinch a little ray, as small pieces are difficult to completely remove from meat and in the future when frying they will burn and spoil the taste of the finished shish kebab.

  6. Lightly press the bow with the palms, so that he lets more juice and send it to a bowl of meat. We mix with hands.

  7. Add half a glass of plain water and mix again. Water will act as a conduit for spices.

  8. Mix the meat again with the marinade, add garnet seeds. Leave the meat for marinating for at least 3-4 hours, ideally at night.

Quick marinade for shish kebab from pork with vinegar and onions, phased recipe

True gourmets will argue that a quick marinade onthe basis of vinegar and onions for shish kebab from pork, is far from the best option. It is believed that vinegar gives the meat an excess of acid and impairs the taste of the finished shish kebab. But on the other hand, such a quick marinade for shish kebab from pork with vinegar and onions (a step-by-step recipe below) is a real find for those who want to eat delicious shish-kebab in conditions of limited time. After all, according to this recipe, meat is marinated for 2-3 hours!

Necessary ingredients for a quick marinade for shish kebab with onion and vinegar

  • pork -2 kg

  • onions - 2-3 pcs.

  • vinegar 9% - 100 ml

  • water - 200 ml

  • salt - 2 tsp.

  • spices to taste

Instructions for a quick marinade recipe with onions and vinegar for shish kebab from pork

  1. Wash meat thoroughly and lightly dry. Cut into small pieces of 2,5-3,5 cm.

  2. Cut the onion into thin rings or half rings.

  3. Put the meat in a large bowl / saucepan, add salt and add your favorite spices. Stir thoroughly with hands.

  4. Add onion and mix again with hands.

  5. Vinegar is combined with water and pour the pork. The liquid should completely cover the meat so that it is as quickly as possible mopped. Therefore, if a given amount of liquid is small, you can safely add pure water to the desired level.

  6. Stir the meat again and leave in the marinade for 2-3 hours, after which you can start cooking shish kebab.

The most delicious marinade for pork shish kebab with lemon and onions, step by step recipe

So that the pork is well-cooked for a tastyshish kebab, in marinade with onions you need to add some "sour" component, for example, vinegar, lemon or kiwi. It is thanks to such acidic ingredients that spices give their flavor and taste to meat better, and the structure of pork becomes more tender. How to prepare the most delicious marinade for shish kebab from pork with lemon and onion learn from the step-by-step recipe below.

Necessary ingredients for a delicious marinade with lemon and onion for shish kebab from pork

  • pork - 2, 5 kg

  • lemon - 2 pcs.

  • onions - 3-4 pcs.

  • salt - 2 tsp.

  • black pepper to taste

Step-by-step instruction for the recipe for the most delicious marinade for the most delicious pork shish kebab with lemon

  1. Onions are cleaned and cut into thin half rings. We divide the entire ray into 3-4 identical parts and put the first on the bottom of a bowl to pickle the shish kebab.

  2. Pork my and cut into small portions.

  3. Salt and pepper (you can also add your other spices and seasonings) add to the meat and mix well with your hands.

  4. Lay the layer of pork on the onion, from above lay a new layer of onions, and then again the meat. The last layer must be onion.

  5. From the halves of lemons we press the juice and water them meat.

  6. Cover the lid and send it to a cold place for 6-8 hours for marinating. During this time, it is advisable to mix the meat 2-3 times with your hands.

How to make marinade for shish kebab from beef with kiwi and yogurt, step by step

Beef is rarely taken for a shish kebab, since thisThe kind of meat is too hard and less juicy than the same pork. But few know that it is possible to get a delicate shish kebab from beef if you make a special marinade, for example, on kefir with kiwi. For more information on how to make a marinade for shish kebab from kefir and kiwi, check out the step-by-step recipe below.

Necessary ingredients for marinade with kiwi and kefir for shish kebab from beef

  • beef - 2 kg

  • kefir - 0, 5 liters

  • onions - 6 pcs.

  • kiwi fruit - 2 pcs.

  • salt - 1 tbsp. l.

  • spices for shish kebab

Instructions on how to make marinade for shish kebab from beef based on kefir and kiwi

  1. Onion is peeled from the husk and cut into thin semirings. We squeeze hands well, so that the ray gives more juice, and put it into a deep saucepan.

  2. Cut the kiwi in half and take out the pulp with a teaspoon. Kiwi is better to take very ripe, as they are easier to turn into mashed potatoes. We send the pulp to the blender and mash the kiwi.

  3. We connect kiwi and onions. Pour kefir and mix.

  4. Cut the meat into medium pieces and salt well. Then add the spices for the shish kebab or any other seasonings to taste. Thoroughly mix with hands, so that the spices and salt are evenly distributed over the meat.

  5. Fill the meat blanks with the prepared marinade andagain mix with your hands. We leave the shish kebab marinated at room temperature for about 3-4 hours - this time is enough for the beef to become tender.

Delicious marinade for lamb shish kebab with mayonnaise, step by step

Even such an ideal meat for shish kebab, aslamb, requires a delicious marinade, for example, based on mayonnaise. Of course, gourmets can argue that mayonnaise is far from the best basis for marinade, they say, it is fatty and not the most useful. But a delicious marinade for shish kebab from mutton with mayonnaise has one big advantage over other options. Such a pickle can neutralize the specific smell of mutton and make even hard meat softer and tender. Step-by-step recipe of this marinade will be found below.

Necessary ingredients for a delicious marinade with mayonnaise for lamb shish kebab

  • lamb - 1, 5 kg

  • mayonnaise - 200 ml

  • onions - 3-4 pcs.

  • vinegar - 2 tbsp. l.

  • water - 0.5 liters

  • black pepper powder

  • paprika

  • salt

Instructions for a marinade recipe for lamb shish kebab based on mayonnaise

  1. Wash meat and cut into small portions. Ideally, it should be cubes of 2-3 centimeters.

  2. Cut the onions into half rings, add to the meat.

  3. Add spices, salt and mayonnaise. All carefully mix with your hands to make the mayonnaise evenly distributed throughout the surface of the meat.

  4. Vinegar is combined with cold water and poured into meat.

  5. Once again, mix thoroughly with hands and leave for 3-4 hours. It is possible for the whole night, but moving to the refrigerator.

How to cook a marinade with soy sauce for chicken shashlik, recipe

There are a lot of recipes for marinade for shish kebab fromchicken, but we suggest that you learn how to prepare a marinade based on soy sauce. Soy sauce and chicken are perfectly combined with each other, and in combination with certain spices harmonize even more. Read more on how to prepare marinade with soy sauce for chicken shish kebab next.

Necessary ingredients for marinade with soy sauce for chicken shish kebab

  • chicken fillet - 1,5 kg

  • soy sauce - 70 ml

  • olive oil - 30 ml

  • honey - 2 tbsp. l.

  • salt - 1 tbsp. l.

  • dried ground garlic

  • rosemary

  • ground black pepper

Instructions on how to make marinade for shish kebab from chicken with soy sauce

  1. Chicken fillet and cut into pieces 3-4 cm.

  2. In a separate container, mix soy sauce and olive oil.

  3. Add liquid honey and rosemary to the soy sauce.

  4. Chicken Salt, add dried garlic and pepper. Mix thoroughly with hands and add marinade.

  5. Mix again and leave to marinate for 4-5 hours. Then chicken strings on skewers and fry.

The best marinade for a delicious shish kebab from pork on kefir and mineral water, step-by-step recipe / h2>

One of the best marinades for deliciousshish kebab from pork is prepared on the basis of kefir and mineral water. Thanks to this combination, the meat is very tender, soft and juicy. Learn how to prepare the best marinade for a delicious shish kebab from pork on mineral water and kefir from the step-by-step recipe below.

Ingredients for marinade on kefir and mineral water for delicious shish kebab from pork

  • Pork neck - 1 kg

  • onions - 4 pcs.

  • lemon - 1 pc.

  • kefir - 250 ml.

  • mineral water - 250 ml.

  • salt - 1 tbsp. l.

  • fresh dill - 1 bunch

Instructions for a recipe for the best marinade on kefir and mineral water for shish kebab from pork

  1. Pork my and cut into cubes, salt and mix with your hands.

  2. Onions are peeled off the husks and cut into rings.

  3. My lemon and cut into thin rings.

  4. Kefir is mixed with mineral water.

  5. Dill mine and chop finely.

  6. In a container with meat, add dill, lemon and fill with a mixture of kefir and mineral water. Mix well.

  7. Cover the lid and send the shish kebab marinate in the refrigerator for 8-12 hours.

Recipe marinade with red wine for a delicious shish kebab of turkey

The turkey is considered dietary meat and therefore itsYou can safely use it for cooking shish kebab, which is suitable for people with eating habits. Recipes marinade for a delicious shish kebab from a turkey set, but we would like to draw your attention to the option with red wine. Dry red wine perfectly emphasizes the tenderness of turkey meat and allows you to quickly marinate shish kebab. Step-by-step recipe marinade with red wine for a delicious shish kebab from turkey will find below.

Necessary ingredients for a marinade recipe with red wine for a shish kebab from a turkey

  • turkey fillet -2 kg

  • olive oil - 3-4 tbsp. l.

  • dry red wine - 250 ml

  • onion - 5-6 pieces.

  • fat - 200 gr.

  • ground red pepper

  • black peppercorns

  • salt

  • basil

Instructions for a marinade recipe for a delicious turkey shish kebab with red wine

  1. Fillet of my turkey and dry on a towel. We cut the meat into cubes. Fat is cut into small pieces. Also, instead of fat, you can use a loin.

  2. Onion cut into thin half rings, add to meat with bacon. Hand mix, well squeezing the onion, so he let the juice.

  3. We add olive oil, spices and salt, again we mix all the ingredients well.

  4. Fill turkey with red wine, and then mix again.

  5. Leave the meat marinated for 12 hours in the refrigerator under the lid.

Armenian marinade for pork shish kebab, step-by-step recipe with video

Armenian marinade for shish kebab from pork can beone of the best options for this dish. With this marinade the meat turns out to be really soft, juicy and very very gentle. Correctly selected spices perfectly set off the taste of meat, turning shish kebab into a culinary masterpiece. Read more on how to make Armenian marinade for shish kebab from pork in a step-by-step video recipe below.

Marinade for shish kebab needs to be cooked, guidedon the type of meat that is used for this dish. For example, for tasty shish kebab from pork or beef marinades on the basis of yogurt, onion, lemon, kiwi, mineral water are good. A delicate chicken shish kebab can be cooked by adding soy sauce to the marinade, and a chic shish kebab from turkey is obtained thanks to marinating in red wine. In this article we tried to collect only the best recipes of marinades, which perfectly emphasize the excellent taste of shish kebab. We hope that among these options you will definitely find the perfect recipe and will please your friends and relatives with exquisite meat at the stake!

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