Oyster Sauce

Eastern culture has recently becomemore popular day by day. And not the last place in this fascination with mysterious countries is occupied by culinary masterpieces. A lot of Oriental dishes are served with the famous oyster sauce. And why it is so popular, you can read in this article.

Oyster Sauce: home made

Oyster Sauce

This sauce was invented in China, where it remainsmost popular. According to the classic recipe for oyster sauce it is made from oysters, which are cooked in water until the existing substance begins to caramelize. However, with the development of technology, increased demand and higher prices for raw materials in the process of its production began to use oyster extract. And a similar preparation for the sauce can be purchased at a specialized store.

In addition to the oyster extract,to get caramelized sugar, starch (you can corn) and known to everyone the taste enhancer - sodium glutamate. By the way, the last listed ingredient is quite common in China in the food industry. Of course, an artificial supplement can not be used or replaced by a natural colleague, which is much more expensive. After that, mix all the ingredients of your sauce in a frying pan (wok), add a little water, and evaporate until a thick consistency is obtained. Then the capacity is removed from the plate and allowed to cool. In the end, you should get a dark brown oyster sauce with a sweet-salty earthy taste.

Oyster Sauce

Oyster Sauce: Application

Due to the presence of oyster extract in this saucethey differ in the content of a large number of useful substances, such as proteins, carbohydrates, certain amino acids, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, zinc, copper, iron. Chinese, who regularly use it, note that they are working and the general condition of the body is improving. The presence of a large amount of glucose in the oyster sauce provides a rapid inflow of energy, and high caloric intake should be taken into account by dietary food lovers.

As it is not strange, but oyster sauce I use whenserving meat dishes. The best choice will be beef or pork. Also it can be served with boiled rice, use instead of salt, like soy sauce. In most cases, the sauce is added to the dishes during cooking - it reveals the taste, but to reduce the loss of nutrients it can be done at the very end.

Pork with oyster sauce

You can cook classic pork withoyster sauce. You need 300 grams of meat, tomato, nectarine, half a bell pepper, onion, carrots, several slices of canned pineapple (preferably rings). And to fill the dish you need 5 tbsp. l. oyster sauce, 3 tsp. honey, garlic clove, half a teaspoon of ginger - it is prepared beforehand by mixing the ingredients and infused for about an hour.

Oyster Sauce

Meat cut into strips, salt, pepper, and thenfry in vegetable oil (preferably - olive first squeeze) until ready. Then the pork is removed on a plate, and onions and carrots are fried in the same frying pan, to which in time they add tomato, pepper (all cut into strips), and then crushed nectarine and pineapple. After a couple of minutes, add meat and a real sauce, then stew for 30 seconds. Garnish can serve as boiled rice.

Now you know how to cook the bestaddition to meat and other dishes. Do not be afraid to experiment, adding oyster sauce to different products, and you'll see how pleasantly surprised guests will be, after trying your culinary flight of fantasy.

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