How to cook pea soup

Peas - a useful and natural product, ithas been used for food for thousands of years. This cultivated plant does not require special care when growing or special efforts for cooking, and the benefit of its use is the whole body. In the composition of peas a large content of vitamins, microelements and antioxidants.

According to the protein content, it is not inferior to meat and, indifference from products of animal origin, does not cause any harm. When eating dishes from peas, the risk of oncological diseases decreases, the work of the intestine is normalized, nails and hair are strengthened.</ p>

Pea soup

This culinary work is found in the menumany countries, only recipes differ. Some nationalities add certain ingredients, which gives soup a national flavor. We'll talk about a classic dish, the recipe of which can be changed and supplemented at its discretion.

How to cook pea soup


  • peas - 500 g

  • carrots - 2 pieces

  • onion - 2 pcs.

  • sunflower oil

  • salt, pepper to taste

  • greenery

How to cook pea soup

Cooking method:

  • peas washed and soaked in water for 6 hours;

  • pour into a saucepan with cold water and cook over low heat for 40-60 minutes, stirring occasionally;

  • onions and carrots to wash, clean, cut into cubes and fry in a heated frying pan with vegetable oil;

  • add the fry in the pan and cook for 10 - 15 minutes;

  • salt, pepper, pound with greens and boil for another 5 minutes;

  • let it brew for half an hour and the soup is ready.

This recipe is the basis of pea soup. There are many ingredients that will make the taste unique. It will be very tasty if you add any smoked products (sausages, ribs, sausage) together with vegetables during cooking. For more richness, it is good to cook on chicken or pork broth. To make the soup thick, you can add potatoes, diced, 30 minutes before cooked.

How to cook pea soup

Delicious pea soup

To make the soup particularly tasty, it is important to follow certain rules:

  • You can salt only when the peas are almost cooked, otherwise it will remain solid;

  • in any case, do not add cold water. If necessary, you can add only a little boiling water, but it is desirable to calculate the ratio initially;

  • if you want to make a soup-puree, add half a teaspoon of soda;

  • The longer the peas will be soaked, the rasher it will be;

  • some peas cause bloating. This is not an excuse to refuse a delicious soup. It is enough to add a little chopped fresh dill to a serving plate, and you will avoid this unpleasant phenomenon.

  • for a greater density of the dish you can add a littleflour, fried in a dry frying pan. To do this, scoop some soup in a cup, pour in flour continuously stirring, so that there is no lumps. And pour the contents of the cup into a saucepan.

In some recipes there is cheese, leeks,sour cream, tomatoes, garlic and even wine. Spices are of great importance, they give the dish a special flavor. You can serve toasted toast or toast.

For all its usefulness, peas remainlow-calorie product. It should be included in the diet of people who want to lose weight and lead an active lifestyle. It supplies the body with energy and increases efficiency. For vegetarians, this product is simply necessary. It serves as an excellent substitute for animal protein, necessary for the normal functioning of all organs.

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