porridge in a plate

It's not a secret for anyone that peas are very useful,not for nothing that our grandparents prepared it almost every day. Today it is not so popular, but, nevertheless, many people like pea soup and kashka, and how much pies with peas - just words can not convey. It is recommended for constipation, heartburn, in violation of digestive processes and increased sugar. To make the cat really delicious, you need to know some secrets: to start, peas are washed well 5-6 times under running water, then put in a pan and pour cold water 1: 4 and leave for 6-8 hours stand, and only then cook, then he cooks quickly and evenly. Yes, and you still need to salt at the very end, when the porridge is almost ready. When the peas are boiled, they can be slightly sunk for a uniform consistency.

List of recipes:

  1. Recipe number 1. Pea porridge with meat

  2. Recipe number 2. Peas with vegetables

  3. Recipe number 3. Pea porridge with mushrooms

Recipe number 1. Pea porridge with meat

Peas and so very dense, and with meat so it generally will be an excellent and full dinner or addition to dinner.

Necessary ingredients:

  • peas - 2 cups

  • meat - 400-500 g

  • onions - 1 pc

  • butter

  • salt and spices.

Cooking method:

  1. meat is suitable for anyone, it needs to be soaked in cold water for 3-4 hours;

  2. Soaked meat with clean water, add salt, add bay leaf and cook over low heat;

  3. Boil the meat from the broth;

  4. pre-soaked peas put in a meat broth and burn until ready;

  5. then cut the small pieces of meat and fried in vegetable oil until golden onions add to the finished peas, after 20 minutes the dish can be served to the table.

The dish can also be seasoned with garlic and herbs for flavor, but this is already an amateur.

porridge in a bowl

Recipe number 2. Peas with vegetables

It turns out very beautiful and tasty, and most importantly - nourishing and affordable.

Necessary ingredients:

  • peas - 1 glass

  • carrots - 1 pc

  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc

  • onions - 1 pc

  • cream

  • vegetable oil for roasting

  • salt to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. pre-washed and soaked peas pour water in a ratio of 1: 2 and cook for 40-45 minutes;

  2. cut into small pieces onions and bell peppers, carrots three on a large grater;

  3. fry the vegetables in a frying pan until golden brown, then add cream 20-23% fat, close the lid and stew for 10 minutes;

  4. ready porridge salt, add to stewed dressing and mix

You can also sprinkle the top with finely chopped herbs and then serve.

cereal with bread

Recipe number 3. Pea porridge with mushrooms

Mushrooms will make the dish light and airy. Suitable and mushrooms, oyster mushrooms, and butter - in general, all at your discretion and taste.

Necessary ingredients:

  • peas - 200 g

  • water

  • mushrooms - 400 g

  • onion - 1 pc.

  • garlic - 2-3 cloves

  • sunflower oil

  • salt, greens and spices - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. pea porridge cook until ready;

  2. onion, diced, lightly fried;

  3. mushrooms rinse, dry with a paper towel and cut;

  4. add mushrooms to onions, fry 10-15 minutes;

  5. garlic and greens chop and add to the end of cooking to mushrooms, stir and let stand for 20 minutes.

Spoil your family and friends with a delicious peaporridge, they are sure to like it very much, and the remaining porridge can be used for stuffing pancakes or pies. Yes, and one more little secret: the taste of porridge will be more juicy, if the water is replaced with meat or vegetable broth. Bon Appetit!

nourishing porridge

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