Dishes from fish for the New Year

For any hostess it's time for New Year holidays -very troublesome and saturated. The menu of the festive table is better to think in advance, and it is always difficult, because you want and surprise your relatives with your culinary talents, and please all guests so that no one remains unhappy and hungry.

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We offer you the best recipes for fish dishes - they are ideal for a New Year's feast, in addition, they do not take much time to cook.

Perch baked in the oven, recipe with a photo

Necessary ingredients:

  • perch fillet - 1 pc

  • carrot (large) - 1 pc

  • sour cream - 200 g

  • cheese - 150 g

  • egg - 1 piece

  • garlic - 3 teeth

  • lemon - 1pc (for juice)

  • vegetable oil

  • seasoning for fish

  • black pepper powder

  • salt

Dishes from fish for the New Year

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the carrots, grate large, then lay them in a frying pan with hot oil and fry. At this time, fish - the fillet should be washed and cut into small pieces.

  2. Now prepare the sauce - mix in a cupsour cream, egg and garlic, chopped very finely. There goes cheese, cut into small cubes. In the sauce, add seasoning for fish, pepper, and juice of half a lemon, mix everything thoroughly.

  3. Do not forget about carrots - during this time it should be well fried, but not burned.

  4. On a baking sheet, oiled, spread pieces of fillet - you can make it with paper for baking, and also oil it.

  5. For each piece of fillet lay out the fried carrots - an even, not too thick layer, from above pour the fish with cheese-sour cream sauce.

  6. Preheat oven and bake fish 180 degrees for about half an hour.

Dishes from fish for the New Year

The fish is ready! The recipe is simple and understandable even for beginners, and the result will surpass all expectations!

Baked in cream red fish, delicious recipe

Necessary ingredients:

  • Salmon or trout - 500 g

  • cream - 250 g

  • vegetable oil

  • seasoning for fish

  • salt

Cooking method:

  1. Fish can be left in the form of steaks, but you candivided into smaller pieces - as you like. Since the fish first need to be fried, then focus on the size of the frying pan - perhaps steaks will not be so convenient to lay at a time. Pieces of salt, sprinkle with spices and forget about them for about 15 minutes.

  2. Prepare a frying pan - well, lightly oil, oil. You can put on the bottom of the paper for baking, cut to size - oil for lubrication need a little. Half a tablespoon is enough

  3. Fry the pieces for about a couple of minutes on each side, over medium heat.

  4. Put the fish in a glass or ceramic form, pour over the cream.

  5. In a preheated oven, the fish is baked for about 20 minutes at 180 degrees.

Dishes from fish for the New Year

Baked trout or salmon remains surprisingly juicy, the taste will not leave indifferent even the most fastidious guests.

Hake fried in batter, simple recipe

Necessary ingredients:

  • Hake fillet - 400 g

  • egg - 2 pieces

  • mayonnaise - 1 tbsp. l.

  • flour - 2 tbsp. l.

  • sunflower oil

  • salt pepper

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the fillet well, leave it to dry on a paper towel. Cut into pieces - not too large, salt well and pepper.

  2. While the hake is "marinating", you need to take care of the batter - in a cup, whip well eggs, flour, mayonnaise, salt and seasoning for fish.

  3. Each piece of hake dipped in a batter, then send to a frying pan with hot oil. To fry fish for a long time is not necessary - for a minute from each side, but make sure that the stick does not burn.

For this fish, as a garnish, light vegetables or rice are perfect - a hake in batter can take a worthy place on your festive table.

These recipes of fish dishes are perfect for meeting the New Year 2015 - amazing taste, and most importantly, very little time for cooking!

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